Enhancing New comers Integration: Mapping of Social Netw orks w ithin Toronto East Local Immigration Partnership. A Pilot Project

  The purpose of this project is to explore the dynamics w ithin the Toronto East Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) by creating visual representations of the interconnections betw een the members involved in the Partnership. This research aims to use social network analysis to assess the relationships w ithin the Partnership in order to identify […]

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Canadian Bioscience Education Through DNA Barcoding

A Canadian scientific innovation known as DNA barcoding is advancing species identification and discovery through the analysis of short, standard gene regions. This has led to the widespread use of DNA barcoding as a tool for species identification in a diverse array of practical applications, from ecological monitoring to food fraud. Graduate students from the […]

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Sleep disorders among a population with traumatic brain injury from a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Clinic

The proposed research will study the best way to evaluate sleep disorders among persons who suffered a mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the workplace. We will draw upon the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-insured workers being evaluated at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, approximately 300-400 annually, for mild to moderate TBI. This study will provide a better understanding […]

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Capacity building for good governance and economic development in First Nations in British Columbia

The Ahp-cii-uk Community Society and the Beedie School of Business are submitting a research cluster proposal to the MITACS Accelerate Program with the purpose to continue research conducted by the Ahp-cii-uk Leadership Initiative in the three Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations of Ahousaht, Ehattesaht and Tseshaht. The proposed research cluster will provide interns with an opportunity to apply lessons learned in […]

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Merging calculus learning with mobile devices: calculus practice app

This project will partner a student intern in graduate mathematics with the development team at Mathtoons Media Inc., an educational technology company in the business of creating mobile learning applications. Learning and academic practice is migrating away from traditional textbooks and webwork and toward mobile devices. The varying physical constraints of these devices post a […]

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The Black Experience Project (BEP) in the Greater Toronto Area

This project provides the groundwork and covers the critical first steps of a multi-year research study that examines the lived experience of Black Canadians in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The purpose of this larger study is to better understand the nature of the challenges facing the Black community, through exploring the lived experiences of […]

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Teacher assessment using new technologies

Educational reform will require changing the way we assess for student success. Personalized learning will only become a reality as we transform the way we make meaning of teaching and learning through assessment. This industry partner FreshGrade.com is an educational assessment application for elementary education (Kindergarten – Grade 6) addressing the need for a simple, […]

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Social-emotional development in early childcare programs

The Teaching Pyramid Model (TPM) was designed as a promotion, prevention, and intervention framework to support the social, emotional, and behavioral development of young children. Successful implementation of the TPM in ELC programs requires staff capacity (e.g., professional development, refresher courses for staff, performance feedback, staff support and family engagement (e.g., providing families with training […]

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A Leadership Development Model for Youth in Urban Communities

This internship will extend a research partnership between For Youth Initiative (FYI) organization and the Applied Social Welfare Research and Evaluation Group at the School of Social Work, York University. The internship project will build a comprehensive leadership development model that articulates best and promising evidence-based practices for engaging and building the leadership capacity of […]

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Engaging youth in a developmental evaluation of Raising the Grade

Raising the Grade is an innovative after-school program launched this year by the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada (BGCC) in 25 clubs across Canada. Through the use of online learning tools, mentorship, and the early promise of a scholarship, the program hopes to engage youth at risk of dropping out of high school and […]

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