Three-dimensional (3D) imaging libraries for the creation of virtual human models for use in education in the health

3D imaging is becoming an increasingly popular and important too in medical education. The anatomy is the founation for all health sciences and all groups of health professionals. Medical/dental students, pharmacists, physicians assistants, nurses, medical rehabilitation professionals, human biology and even arts students, will receive some form of anatomy training during their professional career. 3D […]

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A Foundational Mathematics Course: Design, Implementation and Evaluation

This project will produce material, in the form of lesson plans, instructional guides and practice sheets, appropriate for a college-level foundational mathematics course and will monitor its effectiveness during an implementation at on Ontario college in the fall semester, 2009. Once completed, the material will become part of JUMP's growing body of course materials. It […]

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A Folklife Festival for Newfoundland and Labrador: Issues in the Presentation of Culture in Festival Events

The intern will work with the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador (HFNL) on a research project to create a model for an annual Intangible Cultural Heritage Folklife Festival. The student will organize and oversee a one‐day festival, and will focus on creating a framework for appropriate cultural presentations following a festival format, sensitive to […]

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An Oral History of the Hamilton Waterworks

This project aims to understand the relationship between the history of Hamilton’s waterworks and the greater Hamilton community. It will be based on oral interviews with past employees and will be presented to the community using digital technologies to enhance its accessibility. By focusing on themes of water safety, water pollution and water conservation the […]

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Best Practices in Business Education

This project will focus on experiential education and how it can be used to enhance the learning processes at Blyth Education. As an introduction to the subject, the report will explore current literature surrounding the topics of ‘Experiential Education’ and ‘Business Education’. The project will then turn its focus to Blyth Education, and identify the […]

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PeerScholar in the K-12 Educational System

This project explored the effectiveness of an educational technology called peerScholar, which is an online peer-assessment tool used to enhance student learning. To date, all of the findings on peerScholar have focused on the development of critical thinking skills at the University level. However, given that learning begins earlier, the proposed research will examine the […]

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The Social History of Oil Springs, Ontario

  The interns research will focus on gathering and analyzing information about the social history of Oil Springs, Canada’s first boom town. Areas of focus include: deeper understanding of community lifestyles that arose from the advent/loss of sudden personal wealth; investigate historical personages to understand them not as “technological achievers” but as personalities with stories […]

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Assessing Small Mammal Community Assemblages and Population Dynamics across Multiple Geographic Scales on the Canadian Prairies

  Small mammals (mice and voles) are a vital component of most terrestrial ecosystems; however, their communities have not been studied on large geographic scales because of limits imposed by conventional sampling methods (ie. Trapping). This project will take advantage of great-horned and burrowing owls as efficient surveyors of small mammal communities. Specifically, small mammal […]

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Effectiveness of a Toilet Training Workshop for Parents of Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities

  Although researchers have identified a number of successful toilet training interventions, parents of children with autism and other developmental disabilities continue to have difficulty toilet training their children. The resulting lack of toileting competence can have negative effects on the lives of these children and their families. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of an innovative workshop designed […]

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Challenges for drug-using mothers with children in the care of family members

  The purpose of the study is to identify and respond to experiences of and potential challenges faced by drug-using mothers when their children are placed in the care of family members (otherwise known as "kinship care") as an alternative to a formal foster care placement. As an outcome, we will develop an information package for […]

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Relationships between parental self-efficacy, parent training instructional practices and models of parent professional interaction

  Research has shown that parents of children with autism have lower levels of selfefficacy (i.e., self-perceptions of their ability to nurture their children’s growth and development) when compared to other parents. This is problematic, as parents of children with autism who feel more confident and effective when implementing intervention strategies and who believe that their involvement has a […]

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