Artificial Intelligence and Deterioration of Ocean Ecosystem

In the context of ocean sustainability of west coast of Canada, some questions that need to be considered are: what is the significance of environmental indicators related to the impact on marine aquatic species? How can changes in environment be predicted by patterns of bioindicators, for example as a result of hypoxia, affecting farmed and […]

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Program evaluation for JUMP Math: An empirical assessment of a resource for math education

Canadian math scores are in decline. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of numerical proficiency for outcomes such as health, employability and financial stability. Therefore, the effectiveness of a child’s math education is key to future success. It is of utmost importance, then, to identify effective math education programs. The proposed project will evaluate JUMP […]

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Measuring what matters in education

This research project aims to provide a robust account of school performance across Canada by collecting and measuring data on six critical indicators. These indicators are academic achievement, physical and mental health, social-emotional development, creativity and innovation, citizenship and democracy, and school climate. To address this inquiry, survey data will be collected and integrated with […]

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Impact of a cognitive intervention program on brain structure and function in adults with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is one of the least understood neurological injuries. Increasing evidence shows that the effects of mTBI are not transient and may be associated with significant long-term consequences on brain function and may lead to long-term changes in the functioning of the brain with impacts on many areas related to information […]

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Can Learning Catalytics Replace Clickers?

Classroom response tools such as the ‘clicker’ are devices that students use in class to answer multiple-choice questions. Many studies have shown that clickers can lead to increased learning when properly used. Learning Catalytics is a new web-based tool marketed by Pearson that is meant to replace clickers. While Learning Catalytics offers more features than […]

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Ecology, Conservation and Welfare of Captive Wildlife

A joint research agreement was adopted between Concordia University and Zoo de Granby in the spring 2014. The firm BBA joined this partnership in November 2014. The aim of the initiative is to foster the training of highly qualified personnel in conservation and welfare of captive wildlife, by allowing Concordia students to get hands-on experience […]

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Interactive ‘digital’ education for multilingual, multicultural, and transnational business practices: The framework for industrial EFL education in internationalism and glocalisaion

This project will bring to the international society a framework for “international-minded” education for business people and industrial entities. Such industrial entities may include ones that aim to start or enhance their international trading businesses, and study-abroad support businesses. The target entities may also include public educational institutions, and federal/state/municipal governmental entities that deal with […]

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Social Impact Analysis and Program Evaluation of GEM Mentorship Program

The project seeks to provide a program evaluation of the Girls E-Mentorship Innovation (GEM) youth mentoring program. GEM’s program is a socially innovative approach linking high school aged girls with successful professional leaders in the employment sector, to support the development of positive attitudes and future career attainment. Using mixed methods, this project develops key […]

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Assessing Social Cognition in Autistic Youths and Adults

The goal of the project is to develop a series of standardized, performance-based computerized assessment tools for use in the examination of social cognition deficits in ASD. Drawing on the available experimental literature a number of potential assessment tasks will be identified, reviewed and configured for computer-based administration to children / youth with ASD. Programming […]

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Developing the Community Partnership Network-Local Immigrant Partnership for enhanced community integration in the Capital Regional District

The overall purpose of the Community Partnership Network (CPN) of the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA) is to develop the Capital Region’s capacity to more effectively attract, welcome and integrate newcomers into our community, workplaces, organizations and institutions. Through this research project, the CPN will develop a wellfounded and sustainable Local Immigrant Partnership (LIP) […]

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