Evaluating Canadian Competency-based Specialty Medicine Training

Specialty medicine training in Canada is transforming to a competency-based model. This is the biggest change in specialty education in a century. The new education system emphasizes the abilities to be acquired of specialist physicians, the sequencing of skills (from foundational to complex), tailoring of training to meet the needs of the individual, and assessment […]

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The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies Task Force on Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and Graduate Education

The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) has created aTask Force on Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and Graduate Education (Reconciliation Task Force). This Reconciliation Task Force will examine the implications for graduate education in relation to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s (TRC) Calls to Action, to reflect on the role of […]

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Evaluating the Impact of Robotics Education on Young Children’s Cognitive Development and Self-efficacy

Our project will be the first research in Canada that draws the techniques and resources from four disciplines – education, psychology, psychometrics and computer science – to investigate the effects of robotics education (RE) on child cognitive development, self-efficacy and enjoyment. Hence, our research findings will help Robokids School to understand the long-term effects of […]

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Progress on Quantitative Analysis for OCT Angiography

The light-sensing portion of the human eye, called the retina, is a highly complex structure that is nourished by several layers of small blood vessels. Diseases that lead to blindness, including Diabetic Retinopathy (which affects approximately one third of people with diabetes), often damage this network of blood circulation, causing changes to manifest in specific […]

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Designing Student Success: Building a Mobile Application to Improve Student Retention and Persistence

Ipse offers self-help to students transitioning to college or university to achieve their goals in a way that suits their personality. It uses machine-learning and crowdsourcing to recommend action plans to the students. The proposed research in collaboration with Ipse is aimed at furthering our understanding of personality traits and identification of suitable action plans […]

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Instrumentation for Gauging Computational Thinking in Elementary Grades

Computational thinking is a recent and very popular addition to elementary school curricula. Computational thinking projects students undertake include five basic parts: identifying key features of a problem (decomposing), creating a model of relationships among factors (modeling) in a causal system or data, designing steps (algorithm) to solve the problem or analyze data, trying out […]

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Scalable Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Situational Awareness for Modern High-volume Data Pipelines

Globally, industries are seeking to develop new products and services from the large-scale data sets they hold. As these systems move from prototypes into fully operational 24/7/265 commercial solutions additional services must be provided to detect and address system faults and failure as they arise. Within classical engineering plants, e.g., those of the telecommunications, petrochemical, […]

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Competency-Based Education for Airside Professionals

This project will analyze competencies (knowledge, skill, and attitude) of airside professionals conducting the taxi-ground run of an aircraft in an operational airport environment. Both cognitive task analysis and consensus modeling methodologies will be used to identify competencies and draft a competency framework of the task. Based on the competency framework, training implementations (including those […]

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Finances of the Nation: Data-driven policy analysis for Canada

The project will foster high-quality analysis of taxation and other public policies in Canada. We will assemble data on public finances of governments in Canada and, to make them more useful for policy analysis, we will transform the data to make them consistent over time and across geographic units of Canada. We will make the […]

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First Nations Philanthropy Engagement Research Project

Post-secondary education, if community-led and projects-based, has the potential to transform education, food and housing policy, as well as build capacity locally in Brokenhead First Nation compared to two First Nations lacking road access. This partnership will explore optimal solutions to resolve development challenges through applied participatory research, community engagement, community development and the establishment […]

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