Student data and learning analytics: Anonymity, confidentiality, privacy

Feedback from students is considered essential to continuous improvement in teaching at all levels, particularly in learner-centered education. This project looks at universities’ privacy and confidentiality policies and frameworks on the use of student feedback data, to inform decisions on program/curriculum enhancements and resource allocations for student success. Data can be from monitoring what students […]

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Building a National Ocean Literacy Strategy

This collaborative, pan-Canadian and consultation-based research project will develop an ocean literacy strategy for Canada with the aim of elevating Canadians understanding of the importance of ocean health and their capacity to participate in ways that promote a sustainable ocean ecosystem and economy. The interns will respectively coordinate the overall national consultation process (pdf#1), facilitate […]

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An Examination of Early Childhood Educators’ (ECEs) Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Risk Tolerance for Outdoor Play Among Young Children in Childcare

Playing outdoors in exciting, risky activities has been shown to positively impact the health of children. However, children are often restricted from engaging in this type of play due to safety concerns. Educating adults who care for children about the importance of outdoor risky play is an important step to help improve children’s opportunities for […]

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An investigation of Ontario ESL teachers’ strategies and perceptions for teaching Chinese international students in Ontario public schools.

Recent rapid increase in the number of Chinese international students with English as a second language (ESL) attending Canadian schools has led to the exploration of in-service ESL teachers’ teaching strategies towards these students. Working with View-Wide International Education Group and using multiple case studies, this study will articulate the nature and challenges of ESL […]

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Personalizing gamification strategies to improve young adult life skills training

By making life skills education more game-like, we propose to help young adults improve valuable life skills and feel empowered in their choices. There is a growing body of evidence to show that adding game elements into non-game contexts, a persuasive strategy known as gamification, is effective at improving students’ motivation and skill learning. In […]

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Understanding Wisdom and Teaching it at Scale

Preparing students for a changing job market means teaching them the skills needed to succeed across a wide range of contexts. Employers especially value the sort of person who can solve problems in ways that address the complexity of real world contexts, people colloquially referred to as wise. What exactly do we mean when we […]

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Searching for Tasks: A Study on Online Searchability for Situated Action

The project is the start of a bigger vision to help improve ‘Employability in an ever-changing, global and digital economy.’ The Partner organization and SFU Communications lab has a larger vision for where we may take this innovation initiative over the long-term, however initial pursuits will start out to develop a better understanding through an […]

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Integrated Configurable Power Input/Output Systems for Avionic Applications

Thales Canada develops control systems for avionics applications, which operate in harsh environments that may compromise the functionality of very high density chips. The company needs to develop a generic power interface for different avionics applications with a high level of criticality. However, such circuitry requires a lot of space on printed circuit boards when […]

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Assessing the impact of STEM programming on children and youth.

In the twenty-first century, coding literacy provides individuals with a host of useful skills and competencies as well as accompanying psychological benefits. Yet, at present, very few pedagogical models or curricula include coding literacy as a central focus. STEM interventions, often found in after-school care programs and summer camps, help address this gap by offering […]

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Engaging More Men in Mentoring

A key factor in fostering the resilience of children and youth is the presence of at least one caring adult who holds high but reasonable expectations of them. In some instances, this relationship is formally facilitated by an organization in the form of mentorship. Despite the documented positive effects men have in the lives of […]

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Beaver Hills Biosphere Communications: Advancing place-based heritage appreciation and stewardship

The Beaver Hills Biosphere is a newly established biosphere reserve that needs to communicate why it is a special place to its residents and visitors. The UNESCO Biosphere program wants biosphere reserves to promote the exchange and transfer of knowledge on environmental problems and solutions, and to foster environmental education for sustainable development. Research related […]

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