Evaluation of a e-learning software with pre-service science teachers

This research aims to investigate the use of technology for science teacher candidates to master learning of laboratory safety content. The focus of this study will be on first and second year science teacher candidates who are expected to know laboratory safety procedures when they become employed, so as to ensure their and their students’ […]

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STEAM Robotics for Teachers: How Educators Learn

Teachers are being challenged to integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) across the curriculum more frequently and effectively. Many teachers are challenged with these aspects for several reasons. In particular, subject areas are still isolated in British Columbia (BC), and only a few schools truly have STEM/STEAM programs. Secondly, STEM is more often […]

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Effectiveness of a community based therapeutic writing intervention to improve community sense of self

The Toronto Writers Collective (TWC), a not for profit corporation, aims to empower vulnerable populations by giving them a voice through providing them the opportunity to engage in creative writing. The TWC has received numerous impact statements from attendees and facilitators regarding their involvement in the program. This research project will investigate the effectiveness of […]

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The Core Connectors Initiative

The proposed study evaluates The Core Connectors Initiative (CCI), a high school-based suicide prevention program designed to help youth gain peer support skills and mental health knowledge. CCI involves two phases, a 14-module training phase and an action phase. Facilitators who have backgrounds in counselling psychology or related disciplines will pilot the program in 5 […]

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Using a Blockchain Cryptocurrency to enable an Educational Business Ecosystem

This project is to build the educational peer-to-peer infrastructure for young high schoolers or athletes to access services and goods from the experts in the respective field. For example, organizing or providing all the details for any sport’s session conducted by skilled instructor, and the system for instructor to be able to verify the session’s […]

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Stories without borders: A Canadian/Mexican study of translation practices and Indigenous language literacy

Stories Without Borders is a collaborative educational project between a Canadian and a Mexican research team, with the support of the Canadian NGO Education without Borders (EwB). The research problem addressed is: How can childrens stories written in English and other Indigenous languages for Indigenous children in Canada best be translated into Indigenous Mexican languages […]

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The G.I.F.T (Girls Incredible Football Team) Project

Over the past decade, Jamaica has been described as having an increasingly high rate of violence, of which sexual violence against young people (mostly girls) is a “silent emergency”. Community activists and researchers addressing the issue of sexual violence within Jamaica posit that the culture of silence is a main contributor to the continued perpetuation […]

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Online Aboriginal Business Incubator

Online business incubation is a rapidly growing field. For many First Nations entrepreneurs who live in remote locations away from large cities, these online incubators allow access to resources that would otherwise be unavailable. While online incubators are becoming more prevalent, the majority of business incubators still operate through face-to-face methods. As such, there is […]

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Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry in the Northern Canada areas

The main objective of these two subprojects is to provide a web portal for uploading hydrography related data of sensors system embedded on fishing boat of volunteers in Canada Northern communities. Indeed, the geospatial portal will provide a comprehensive framework to allow for the storage, discovery and accessibility of the bathymetric and related oceanographic data […]

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Pilot-Scale Mycoremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil

Mycoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) impacted soil utilizes mushroom to decontaminate polluted soil. Specific mushrooms including shiitake, oyster and other white rot fungus have been successfully degraded a wide range of recalcitrant soil contaminants. However, this process is quite slow and is sometimes limiting. It is hypothesized that insufficient bioavailable phosphorus supply likely limits the […]

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Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

This project solves the problem of generating content for a conversational intelligent tutoring system (ITS). The ITS gives questions to the student and then analyzes their answer using machine learning algorithms. Based on the student answer, the system will give them the hints and teach them how to solve the question. Moreover, the system will […]

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