Modeling the Scattering of THz radiation off of Wood

The intern will be doing research in the field of terahertz radiation, specifically, the potential applications it has as a commercially viable tool in the wood products industry. Jonathan will be focusing on the potential of THz radiation in the Oriented Strand Board (OSB) production process. The OSB process is currently in need of a […]

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Cultural Diversity and Material Imagination in Canadian Architecture

Nowhere is Canadafs rich cultural diversity more present than in the techniques of construction brought to our country by the hands of our immigrants. Whether a religious monument or a simple farm house, architecture makes visible the invisible workings of the material imagination. In this sense, the fabrication of buildings, not just their form, is […]

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Numerical Analysis of In-floor-heated Slab Foundations

This research project will develop a numerical model of in-floor-heated slab foundations in Manitoba. With in-floor-heated slab foundations, it is important to know how to insulate the foundation to minimize heat losses to the ground while preventing frost heave. The proposed model will be used to analyze the effects of the amount and placement of […]

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Use of LUMINEX and Lateral Flow Devices to Measure Fungal Antigens

The purpose of this project is to undertake development research to apply methods for analyzing proteins from fungi that grow on damp building materials that are antigenic in humans. This will allow the presence of the fungal antigen to be detected in dust samples by methods similar to those used for pregnancy test kits and […]

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Aerosol Transport in Rooms with Displacement Ventilation

Ventilation design can influence the transport of infectious aerosols in buildings as well as the energy consumption of the building. Displacement ventilation (DV) holds the promise of reducing aerosol transmission and energy consumption. Stantec, a provider of professional design and consulting services in planning, engineering, architecture, surveying, and project management, has already investigated DV in […]

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Flexible Integrated Data Aquistion, Monitoring and Display System for the TRCA’s Sustainable

The project with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority , an agency that promotes the understanding, enjoyment and care of the natural environment, will entail the development of a robust data acquisition and monitoring system. This will be used for the long term performance evaluation of the various new and emerging green/sustainable/renewable housing technologies. The finished […]

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Use of Air Entrained Concrete in Non-Freeze Thaw Environments Exposed to Chlorides

This internship is in partnership with ISIS Canada. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standard A23.1 requires air entrainment in concrete subjected to chlorides, not only for freeze-thaw environments but also for non‐freeze-thaw environments. Air entrainment presents some challenges in finishing of power trowelled surfaces, for example parking decks. Depending on the timing and amount of […]

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Green Technology – the Role the Municipal Government Can Play

Despite being in a natural environment for success, Vancouver’s green technology industry has yet to take‐off. The Vancouver Economic Development commission, as part of its mandate, is seeking ways to help existing businesses and make policy recommendations to the City of Vancouver with regards to the green technology sector. The research project being undertaken focuses […]

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The use of Wollastonite to enhance fresh and mechanical properties of concrete

This research project with Canadian Wollastonite, a company focused on the commercial development of a high grade wollastonite deposits located north of the St. Lawrence River in the eastern part of the Canadian province of Ontario, investigates the possibility of using the natural mineral to enhance the properties of concrete. The project will look at […]

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Research and Innovation Change Management in the Canadian Construction Industry

The purpose of the internship is to identify the existing status of research and innovation (R&I) processes in the Canadian construction industry. The internship will look at target levels and the extent of research and innovation (R&I) based in part on comparisons elsewhere. The intern will also research the barriers to change and an implementation […]

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