Optimization of Road Alignment Design

In the road construction process, a civil engineer commonly uses software to outline the horizontal and vertical road alignment on a topographical map. The software then calculates the amount of earth that needs to be excavated, or filled, at certain points of the alignment as well as pavement costs, land costs and other expenses. Softree, […]

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Intelligent Electric Vehicle Charging System Project

The goal of this project is to explore new technology directions in the design and development of Electrical Vehical (EV) charging stations. Each of the interns will study the feasibility and/or viability of new technologies as to their benefits for consumers, owners of fleets, and electrical power utilities. The first intern will review the existing […]

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Since the advent of Subway operations, the task of inspecting and repairing track, signals, and related wayside infrastructure has been essential to safely move millions of people every day.  It has also been one of the most hazardous jobs in the railway industry.  Accordingly, Bombardier is considering Roadway Worker Protection to be a priority.  The […]

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Life cycle assessment (LCA) of Ontario Vehicle End-of-Life (VEOL) Processes

Life cycle assessment (leA) methods will be use to study end-of-life vehicle (ElV) dismantling and shredding processes, dismantling in particular, to identify and quantify the flows of EL Vs through these processes, as well as the El V parts and materials recovered for reuse, remanufacture and recycling. Understanding the eco-efficiencies associated with these activities, will: […]

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Managing Collections of Models in Software Development

The proposal research concerns the creation of innovative tools to improve the quality and effectiveness of modeling in software development.  Specifically, the research will focus on three areas: how to express the relationships between models to make sure that models are properly synchronized with each other; how to express different variations within the model so […]

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The travel behaviour of recent immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area

The proposed research will explore how diverse recent immigrant populations in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) use the transportation system to meet their daily-life needs.  The objectives are to explore how these groups make use of surrounding urban environments, provide a description of the processes used to secure transportation and the barriers faced, and examine […]

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D-Cubed: Driver Drowsiness Detection

The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has indicated that driving while drowsy is the cause of 22 to 24 percent of car crashes, and results in a four- to six-times higher crash/crash risk compared to driving while alert. Therefore, the use of assistive systems that monitor a driver’s level of vigilance and alert the […]

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Development of novel nanomaterial in advanced lithium batteries for electric vehicles

There is an increasing demand for development of electric vehicle (EV) due to the serious energy shortages and environmental pollution. Advanced Lithium (Li) rechargeable batteries are the most promising power systems in commercial Hybrid EV. The main challenge is still the development of alternative material in terms of energy density, cycability, safety, and cost. In […]

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Auto ID Solutions for improving Track Worker Safety in Transportation Sector

Since the advent of rail transportation, the integrity of the rail and track conditions play a significant role in ensuring that trains are able to move people safely. Although this work has been hazardous since rail transportation was created, there have been few successful attempts at improving location awareness of approaching trains and the location […]

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Electric Vehicle Components Modeling

Vehicle electrification poses considerable challenges on chassis architecture, design of vehicle control and power management systems. Moreover, it tends to induce variations in the sprung and unsprung masses and load distributions. A combination of these has a significant impact on vehicle system dynamics and stability. Thus, development of next-generation electric vehicles(EV) necessitates a systematic exploration […]

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