Quantification of Intra-Host Diversity of Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV-1) Infecting Atlantic and Chinook Salmon in BC

The decline in many populations of wild Pacific salmon is of great concern given their critical importance to First Nations, the ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest, and wild and farmed fisheries. The conservation efforts of the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) have provided opportunity for research into infectious diseases like Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI) […]

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An Examination and Case Study of Forest Management Activities in BC to Support Grizzly Bear Conservation

This project will involve identifying, comparing and contrasting how different forestry practices affect grizzly bear habitat in BC. The research will involve examination of peer-reviewed scientific literature as well as NGO and government reports in order to categorize and explain how grizzlies respond to different management techniques. Key comparisons and concepts will then be applied […]

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Conservation Planning for the Wells Barkerville Community Forest

The Wells-Barkerville Community Forest (WBCF) is a small, 4300 ha forest in the BC interior wet-belt forest with important value economically and ecologically, and for contributing to the quality of life and the continued ability to attract tourists to the region. The purpose of this project is to work with the WBCF to conduct conservation […]

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Development of an IoT-enabled Controlled-environment Indoor Plant Growth Prototype

The proposed project will establish an echo-system consisting of various environmental sensors and actuators and how they can be integrated to build a prototype indoor garden for demonstration purposes. Through utilizing IoT-enabled sensory data from image and environmental sensors, one can obtain relevant information about plant growth in real-time or use the data for a […]

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EcoSix : L’élevage d’insectes comestibles en économie circulaire urbaine pour lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire et les changements climatiques

Les insectes comestibles représentent une alternative durable à la viande conventionnelle. La diète omnivore des ténébrions meuniers peut permettre une saine gestion des résidus alimentaires et ses déjections ont des propriétés fertilisantes. De fortes barrières psychologiques et économiques freinent la progression de la consommation d’insectes au Canada. L’objectif du projet EcoSix est de développer un […]

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The potential for ground mustard seed to improve the environment in the farrowing room for sows and piglets

Mustard is grown throughout Western Canada, primarily for use as a condiment. However, mustard growers are seeking other uses for this crop. Of interest is the potential of ground mustard as an anti-microbial. Mustard contains a compound called glucosinolate, which under the right conditions can be converted to isothiocyanate, a proven anti-microbial. This study will […]

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Assessing Harvest and Post Harvest Fruit Quality in Blueberry

Blueberry is a soft fruit species for which consumption has increased drastically in the last two decades. The rapid increase in consumption is mainly driven by the health benefits and pleasant flavour of the fruit. However, consumers assess fruit quality in terms of flavour, texture and aroma and use these features as the main criteria […]

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Collision-free Farm Field Coverage Path Planning using Autonomous DOT Vehicles

The objective is to: (1) develop full-coverage path plans for an autonomous DOT vehicle, designed and developed by Dot Technologies Corp., operating in a farm field, and (2) avoid collision with other agricultural machines operating in the same field, e.g., a combine, via model-based motion tracking using on board camera vision. A software suite, with […]

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