Determination of quality changes in freeze-dried pet food products during atmospheric cold plasma treatment

Champion Pet Foods is a prominent pet food manufacturer in Canada. They manufacture high-end high quality dry pet food products. They are interested to use new processing technologies to eliminate the harmful bacteria from their products without damaging their quality. At University of Alberta, we are testing the effectiveness of new technologies such as atmospheric […]

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High Value Biologics From Eggshell Membranes

Canada produces about 9 billion eggs per year; of these, about 27% are processed at egg breaking plants that yield low value eggshell (ES) and eggshell membrane (ESM) waste as a byproduct. The objective of this project is to develop processes to isolate high value products from ESM waste including HA, collagens, other proteins and […]

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Assessment of the impact of Canadian beef production on biodiversity

This project will develop a life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) model that will characterize beef production impacts on biodiversity across Canada. The outcomes of this project will provide science-based information regarding the impact of beef cattle production on biodiversity thereby providing greater transparency and improved public confidence in the beef sector. Further, it will give […]

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Molecular measures of yeast exhaustion in commercial brewing

Beer production is only as good as the yeast that make it. When yeast are first pitched for brewing, they produce the desired fermentation product—beer. But, after numerous cycles of fermentation, the yeast become exhausted and produce beer with unwanted flavors and alcohol content. As such, the beer is no longer fit for consumption. Over […]

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Extractable polysaccharides from sugar maple bark

This project aim to valorize sugar maple bark that is normally generated as residues in high volume from forest-based industry in Canada. Sugar maple bark, which is rich in polysaccharides will be extracted and subsequently dried to produce polysaccharide powder. Such obtained powder will be explored for its potential as functional food ingredients, mainly in […]

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Establishment of gut microbiota and impact on host immune function with early-probiotic supplementation in neonate calves

The neonatal and pre-weaned periods are the most challenging in dairy production, resulting in the highest mortality and morbidity rates, with diarrhea proving the most common cause of calf health problems. In order to treat and control this diarrhea, producers often rely on antibiotic therapy. An alternative is to provide living microorganisms (probiotics) that minimize […]

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Evaluate effect of chemical compounds on plants using statistics and machine learning

To understand the effects of various substances on plants in terms of yield and disease severity (phytopathology), we need to evaluate both statistical significance and biological relevance when conducting biological experiments. Biological relevance refers to the nature and size of biological changes or differences seen in studies that would be considered relevant, while Statistically significance […]

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High-throughput phenotyping of plant health using machine learning and computer vision

Phenotyping is used to develop new strains of plants, understand plant-affecting diseases (phyto-pathology) and evaluate the effects of various substances on plants. A growing variety of sensors and sensor technology is used to gather data used for phenotyping, in a non-destructive manner, and this overall process of data acquisition and analysis is being automated, leading […]

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The effects of a step-wise exercise regime and dietary soluble fiber intake on behaviour and welfare, gut health, and metabolism in mid-distance training sled dogs

Regular exercise has also been associated with positive effects on the health and mood of dogs, although extreme exertion, such as that experienced by sporting dogs, can lead to activity-related injuries and a reduction in welfare. Sporting dogs commonly experience gastrointestinal upset, but trainers tend to not recognize the importance of dietary fiber to support […]

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Evaluation of light emitting diode arrays for shipping container plant factories

Controlled plant factories are closed and insulated environments that can be automated and artificially illuminated. They may be built in recycled shipping containers that are mobile, carrying enormous potential for food crop production and addressing food security in remote areas. However, lighting technologies and light positioning in these factories has not been optimized for different […]

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