Mobile Application Support for an Outdoor Agriculture Expo’s Temporary Cluster Functions

The Agriculture and Agri-Food System of Canada (AAFS) is an important component of the Canadian economy. Outdoor agricultural shows have moved from their simple marketplace roots to places that facilitate increased productivity, accelerated innovation and business formation. Central to these functions is the geographic concentration of stakeholders. With the growth in show size, supporting effective […]

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The impacts of agricultural insecticides and new regulatory schemes on the health of wild and managed bees

Agricultural pesticides are one of several stressors contributing to the global decline of insect pollinators. More specifically, there is strong evidence of harm from neonicotinoid insecticides. Many jurisdictions are implementing new rules to restrict use of these common pesticides. While regulators have largely focused on reducing pollinator exposure to neonicotinoids, other insecticides also have the […]

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Assessing the value of 14-day litter traits in Canadian pig breeding programs to improve piglet survival and overall profitability

Meeting the increasing world food demand is arguably the top priority of the Canadian agriculture industry. Current breeding criteria has increased the number of piglets born/sow/year. However, the lack of a well-rounded breeding program has diminished these effects, as large litter sizes are associated with reduced litter quality, pig performance, and carcass quality. Selecting for […]

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Development and validation of a semi-automated in-situ soil sensor using Vis-NIR spectroscopy

Soil health and fertility has important long-term implications on farming practices. However, farmers and agronomists have difficulties to integrate soil assessment into farming decisions, mainly due to the tedious and long soil sampling process. This project aims at providing an innovative tool for agronomists and farmers to determine instantaneously and accurately several soil characteristics such […]

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Evaluation of low-lignin alfalfa in mixtures with grasses

Forage nutritive value is a key component of profitable dairy production with forage fiber concentration and digestibility being critical, as high quality forages can reduce requirements for high-cost concentrated feeds. One approach and new technology developed to increase forage quality has been the release of high digestibility/lowlignin alfalfa cultivars, as alfalfa is the main forage […]

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Weed Classification and Density Estimation for Variable Rate Herbicide Prescription

Precision agriculture is the technique to replace the traditional farming methods in order to sustainably improve the crop productivity without adversely impacting the environment. Precision agriculture is the solution to our growing food needs. CropPro consulting generates SWAT maps using soil, water, and topography information which divides the agriculture land into multiple zones. Each zone […]

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Development of a cricket growth accelerant

The major goal of this project is to develop a method to improve the production efficiency of cricket farming in the partner organization. Cricket farming has a potential to support the growing global population by serving as a rich source of animal protein. Many start-up companies are emerging, but the limited knowledge and experience in […]

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Comparing the value of country foods with other food provisioning systems in Indigenous communities in the Northwest Territories.

How can we describe and value harvesting, processing and sharing (costs as well as benefits) country foods in economic, nutritional, environmental and socio-cultural terms? How can we compare the value of country food with food that comes from other provisioning systems (e.g. imported/market-based foods and local food production)? These are important questions for both communities […]

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Evolutionary history of Cannabis sativa L.

Cannabis sativa is a multipurpose crop, providing us with fibers, seeds and medicinal compounds. Its current economic importance will likely drastically increase following its legalization in Canada. However, despite its economic potential as well as its long history of use by humans, we know very little about the evolution of this plant. The purpose of […]

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