Building a Mobile Platform to Identify Factors that Impact Student Success and Mental Health Related to Their Living Arrangements

This research seeks to discover how matching roommates can improve the living experience, academic progress, retention and mental health of students. It would be carried out using automated questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, surveys to extract user information. The research would help build a platform that can successfully match students based on preferences to help them […]

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Development of a CSA Standard on Geotechnical Design for Buildings

The National Building Code of Canada (and hence Canada) currently lacks an enforceable minimum safety standard for the design of its foundations. It is becoming increasingly apparent to the geotechnical community that the lack of a minimum standard of practice for such a critical component of each building, its foundation, leads to either inefficient designs, […]

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Exploring the Determinants for Start-up Success

Start-ups face several challenges throughout in their attempts to position themselves as goods or services providers. In fact, they can fail at different growth stages. Particularly, they terminate operations before their value propositions advance to solidified business models. Common causes of this retirement include lack of adequate market research, founder/management mismatch, lackluster competitiveness and innovation, […]

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Research and Data Analysis of Aycoutay Wellness Device user scans

The Aycoutay Health Screening Device is based on well-established EEG technology. It is a modern, computerized EDA based health monitoring/screening device that performs a comprehensive analysis of the bio-electrical activity of each organ and gland, as well as the critical interrelationship between them, using algorithms that translate this electrical data into diagnostic information. It is […]

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Developing Digital Brain Assessment Tools for the Home

Attention problems are common with aging and related disorders (like stroke) and are associated with poor recovery and quality of life. Many clinical tests of attention are not based on neurocognitive concepts and are limited to in person visits. The Dalhousie Computerized Attention Battery (DalCAB) is a theory-based, in-depth measure of attention that can be […]

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Optimized Controllers for Second-life Battery Energy Storage Systems

The world’s electricity grids need affordable batteries to store large amounts of energy and allow for increased renewable power sources like wind and solar. Instead of building new batteries from scratch, millions of used batteries from retired electric vehicles can be given a second life on the electricity grids for a lower price and a […]

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Forecasting Single Detached Residential Heat Demand byMonitoring Central Thermostat Response to Weather Conditions

This research seeks to find a method of predicting how much heating is required to maintain comfort in homes. By collecting information such as outside weather conditions and inside temperatures along with thermostat ontime, a method of predicting the needed heat for the home will be determined. Research involves installing devices in homes that record […]

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Harnessing the potential of land-based Aquaculture by-productsthrough the use of aerobic bioreactor technology

The overall project goal is the adoption of ensiling and aerobic bioreactor system used within recirculating aquaculture systems, a developing industry within aquaculture. RAS, produce waste streams incorporating various fish wastes. Some RAS operations integrate fish processing facilities onsite, further increasing waste products. Currently waste products form these systems are disposed of through outside contractors […]

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Modular Energy Storage and Control Systems

The excessive burning of fossil fuels into our atmosphere is causing our climate to change rapidly. This change in climate will have detrimental effects on home security, crop yield, energy security, and water scarcity. Many geopolitical and social pressures are present to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As of now over 70% of electricity in […]

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