Development of DNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine platforms

This proposal seeks to identify the most promising lead candidate for a COVID-19 vaccine that could be rapidly and inexpensively scaled-up to meet Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine needs. In collaboration with a Canadian biotech company, Entos Pharmaceuticals, we will determine the safety and efficacy of several vaccine candidates to identify the most promising candidate to move […]

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Tracking community movements through real-time visualization and predictive analytics to manage the spread of COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic complete eradication will at least take 2-3 years, putting the country under complete lockdown is an impractical solution. Hence, Computing and Data Analytics research group at Saint Mary’s University (SMU-CDA) proposes a collaboration with Agyle Intelligence to develop a complete framework using Data Analytics and Machine Learning that can help citizen, […]

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Novel technology for multiplexed chemical assays of blood at the point of care

Developing technology capable of onsite medical diagnostics is crucial for health-care delivery in clinical and emergency settings. To perform on-site diagnostics, health-care practitioners need compact, inexpensive, and user-friendly equipment. Alentic Microscience has developed a system that uses small volumes of blood for cell counting and serum tests, occurring at the site of blood extraction. This […]

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Youth Engagement in Social Enterprise and Co-operative Development: Supporting Economic Adaptation in Rural Communities in Atlantic Canada in Context of Covid 19

Communities and regions throughout Canada have just been hit with a bomb that is a major threat multiplier: Covid 19. Across the country, rural municipalities that were already struggling economically are now struggling even more with how they should move forward, and support economic recovery and stabilization. This research project will focus on how to […]

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R&D agenda in Data Science for emergency response

A person with COVID-19 can spread the disease to others. Therefore, it is crucially important to identify and isolate infected persons immediately to stop disease spreading. Contact tracing is one of the critical tools available to effectively break the chain of transmission and control outbreaks. Contact tracing is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing […]

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Monitoring and Analysis of COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome on Ventilators

Front-line clinicians have reported that different respiratory stiffness results in different COVID-19 patient conditions on ventilators. In this project, we test and improve NovaResp’s monitoring hardware and analyze the collected data for development of algorithms with focus on respiratory stiffness of patients with COVID-19. The resulting algorithms and monitoring device could lead to determine whether […]

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Understanding customer behavior in usage of secure and reliable IoT devices: Industrial, commercial, and residential approaches

The main objective of this research project is to determine the factors that can be used to understand customer behavior associated with using secure and reliable IoT devices. This will allow for non-intrusive products to be designed with more reliability and less security risks. This will require an in-depth study into user behavior, user experience, […]

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Daily Question Assessment Methodology: The Development and Validation of Industrial-Organizational Constructs and Methodologies for Business Intelligence Application

Many well-constructed, validated survey instruments in the field of industrial/organizational psychology are lengthy and complex to score and interpret. This is a significant issue as the intent of developing survey instruments is for their translation into industry practice. Short form survey instruments are becoming an increasingly common alternative for collecting data (Fisher, Matthews, & Gibbons, […]

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Shipping Container Code Classification and Prediction

BlueNode is a SaaS company focused on the sanitation and analysis of marine shipping data. The research project is focused on increasing the precision and accuracy of shipped goods processed through Canadian ports. Should the research prove to be successful, the technical methods used will be directly incorporated into the BlueNode system.

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Development of Energy-Efficient Means for Intensifying Mass Transfer Rates in Multiphase Reactors

The proposed project mainly focuses on developing an innovative gas/liquid contacting technology that is of critical importance to a wide range of process industries and environmental-management operations. Successful development and implementation of this project are expected to: ? Reduce the environmental impact of a variety of operations that are needed to meet human needs and […]

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