Benchmarking the Sustainability Performance of Clearwater Seafoods

Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership. (Clearwater) is a Nova Scotian company that has grown to be one of the global leaders in the market of seafood. it is dedicated to improving the sustainability of its operations in order to protect the valuable resource upon which it relies. In fisheries science and management, as well as food […]

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Organic sorbent and nanotechnology-assisted bioremediation of industrial effluents

Highly toxic organic and inorganic chemicals result from various industrial operations have been identified in surface and ground waters in very small concentrations, making their removal difficult. In partnership with Lorax Systems Inc., the objective of this research is to develop a novel, biologically-based material for the treatment of industrially relevant wastewater streams, exploring not […]

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Spatial pattern of wildlife habitat across heterogeneous landscapes in Atlantic rainforest near São Paulo, Brazil

Transitions between adjacent plant communities are important features of landscapes that might harbour greater diversity. However, forest edges created by human activities can have negative consequences for wildlife habitat. Both types of transitions dominate fragmented agricultural landscapes in tropical forests. Understanding the vegetation structure in such heterogeneous landscape could help predict animal movements across natural […]

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The development of olfaction in Sepia officinalis

As a complex species of mollusk, the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, has a unique physiology with multiple traits, such as their complicated brains that are similar to vertebrates. With these similarities, S. officinalis provides a novel perspective for understanding olfaction. Critical across the animal kingdom, olfaction allows for complex behaviors such as detection of food, […]

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Pre-clinical testing of novel high-strength bioabsorbable bone adhesives

There is an unmet need to replace surgical plates and screws in small joint and non-loadbearing orthopaedic surgeries. Despite a clear clinical need and market opportunity, there are no products available today that address issues such as long surgery times, high cost, patient discomfort, and reoperation for metal implant removal. Dartmouth Medical Research, Ltd. is […]

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The Effects of Changing Sound Regimes in the Natural Environment on Marine Mammals in the Arctic: A Decision Support Tool

Marine Mammals depend on sound for survival, whether for communicating with each other or for hunting for food. Human produced (Anthropogenic) sound such as from shipping, military SONAR, coastal development and oil and gas exploration, development and extraction, can all interrupt and disturb marine mammals. As sea ice begins to melt sooner and for longer […]

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Production of Apolipoprotein B Fragments for Structural Analysis

Regulation of the secretion of hepatic very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) can modulate the plasma level of atherogenic apolipoprotein (apo) B-containing lipoproteins. We have shown that sequences within the ?1 domain of apoB are important for lipid recruitment during assembly, irreversible anchoring of apoB to lipoprotein, and degradation when VLDL assembly is inefficient. We hypothesize […]

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Delivering evidence-based health care to children with common health conditions and their families using technology

The MITACS student will join in a large and diverse research group that has developed and disseminated national programs with the use of technology (e.g., computers, internet, smartphones) to treat health problems in children and adolescents, through the following programs: OPERATIONAL PROGRAMS Clinical programs for Disruptive Behavior, Anxiety, and Enuresis: These programs are being delivered […]

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Cortical Changes Linked to Semantic Integration

In this project, we will use computerized games to teach second language material to adults. We will use neuroimaging and eye-tracking (a measurement of a person’s eye movements, which can provide information about reading and the processing of language). Adult learners will complete a 5-day game-based second language-training program. Their brain activity and eye movements […]

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Effects of Pulse Lighting Regimes on Microalgae Growth

Algae are microorganisms present in all aquatic environments with the ability to grow using sunlight as energy source. This ability can be harnessed to produce biomass for various purposes of industrial interests such as biofuel, animal feed, nutrients, etc. This project seeks to improve the productivity of an algal growth facility while reducing energy costs […]

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