Exploring predictive analysis models to improve online sales performance

Faire Child Makewear Limited (“Faire Child”) is a Nova Scotia start-up company created to design and market a line of fashionable and sustainable children’s outerwear. Faire Child developed an opertalization plan in collaboration with an outside consultant in December 2017. Despite having executed the plan as designed, the activities that were undertaken did not result […]

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Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using VEMCO’s new high residency acoustic electronic tagging technology-Phase 2

It remains unclear if fishes that occupy Canada’s leading tidal energy test site in Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, will be negatively affected by turbine installations. The objective of this project is to determine fishes’ interactions with operating turbines. Of approximately 70 species of fishes that interact with Minas Passage only three have […]

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Adversarial Examples and Uncertainty

While neural networks can classify images with very high accuracy, it was shown in 2013 (original paper by Szegedy et al) that it is also possible to make very small perturbation to an image so that the network misclassifies it (e.g. so that a panda is classified as an airplane). Many variations of this effect […]

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Detection, Management and Prevention of Malicious Traffic and Cyber Attacks using BYOS

Cybersecurity has continued to dominate the strategic priorities of businesses, governments and industries worldwide. A recent report from the Kaspersky lab estimates the total number of online global malicious acitivities to have exceeded 700 million annually. There is an urgent need to develop mechanisms for the rapid identification and management of threats and malicious traffic, […]

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Assessment of the “Pathway to Resilience” program

The purpose of this research is to develop an assessment for the”Pathway to Resilience” program. The “Pathway to Resilience” program is a resilience training program for employees developed by Air Institute. The assessment created during this internship will be used to assess the program’s effectiveness. This assessment will be used to guide organizational reports delivered to client organizations […]

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Baseline Carbon Stocks in Nova Scotia Forests: Role of the Forest Floor

The forWater Network, funded by the federal government as well as industry partners and provincial governments, is a national research network looking into the impacts of forest-management strategies on drinking-water source quality and treatability. forWater Network researchers at Dalhousie University (including Duinker, the supervisor in this application) are working with Halifax Water and Westfor Management […]

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An investigation into the motivations of individuals who volunteer and work at charitable and not-for-profit organizations

The goals of this research proposal, therefore, are to: 1) conduct a publishable review of the psychological literature to further understand the motivations of the unique group of individuals who choose to volunteer or work with charitable or not-for-profit organizations; and 2) develop an employee survey that will provide further insight into the motivations of […]

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Robust project scheduling policies for naval refit operations at Thales Group

In large-scale construction projects such as naval refits or aircraft overhauls, project execution is subject to considerable uncertainty and a baseline schedule quickly becomes unachievable.  For naval environments, high variability in work scope and duration occur at every stage.  Furthermore, tools and equipment can fail or not be on-site when needed.  Human resources are drawn […]

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Technology Advancement in existing AED

In Canada, approximately 40,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests (OHCAs) occur annually. Survival rates are under 15%, and the only treatment is immediate use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), coupled with CPR. This project will focus on finding solutions to identified problems associated with locating and using an AED. Some of these solutions will […]

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Predicting Risk of Aggressive Responsive Behaviours among People Suffering from Dementia using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML).

Patients with dementia will eventually experience significant loss of cognitive function. Many will have difficulty properly communicating life’s challenges and instead become agitated, resulting in verbal or physical aggression. Monitoring the risk of a resident harming themselves or others due to aggressive behavior is a priority within a long-term care facility where dementia is present. […]

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