Quantifying soil nitrogen supply to reduce nitrate loading to groundwater from high intensity agricultural production areas in Nova Scotia

Understanding and measuring nitrogen supply in agricultural soils is a critical component in managing groundwater quality and minimizing impacts on the environment. Degraded water quality, primarily as nitrate contamination, is a growing concern in Atlantic Canada and agricultural fields are potential point sources. This project proposes to develop a baseline dataset from agricultural fields across […]

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Effects of Dietary Fatty Acids on Overwinter Survival of Underyearling Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis)

To achieve the goal of commercializing striped bass aquaculture in Nova Scotia, the obstacle of high (up to 100%) overwinter mortality among young-of-year fish needs to be overcome. Mortality is restricted to fish that are under one year old (underyearlings, 500g) suffer negligible mortality. Potential factors for such low survival rates identified through four years […]

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Effective use of a variable speed blower fan on a mechanical wild blueberry harvester for increased debris separation and berry quality

Wild blueberries are an important crop to this region as this is the only area that wild blueberries are naturally occurring. The changes in wild blueberry crop conditions caused by improved management practices over the past decade has caused increased plant density and leaf foliage. This extra foliage has made it more difficult for the […]

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Tree Inventory and Management Opportunities at Old Ashburn Golf Course

Golf courses represent a unique opportunity for urban foresters to promote an increased quality and quantity of trees in the city environment. Golf course managers focus attention mainly on grass maintenance and less so on trees. The tree canopy at Old Ashburn Golf Course is currently in a degraded state. Taking advantage of a forthcoming […]

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Using PET/MRI to improve current pre-clinical biomarkers in cancer

Treatments that involve activating a patient’s own immune system, immunotherapies, are becoming important cancer therapies. Unfortunately, doctors don’t always know the best way to combine these therapies to best treat patients and the current tools they have to evaluate treatment success don’t work well for immunotherapies. Molecular imaging, particularly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or positron […]

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Quantifying Fishway Passage Success of Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, and its relationship to Marine Nutrient Transfer from the Ocean to Freshwater Ecosystems

Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) is a key species in the ecology of the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada, that provides food to numerous predators and scavengers. Each year, Alewife migrate into freshwater systems to spawn in lakes. Dams and fishways often impede the migration of Alewife, which can have detrimental effects on Alewife populations, as well […]

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Novel formulation for the treatment of interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the urinary bladder and is recognized as a serious medical condition associated with a profoundly negative impact on patients’ quality of life. Currently, there are no widely acknowledged causes of this disorder and no effective treatments available. Panag is a Halifax based drug company which focuses on development […]

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The Functional Resilience Question-AIR: Validation of an assessment tool designed to measure employee resilience

The purpose of this research is to validate the Functional Resilience Question-Air (FRQ; Kinley, 2016), an assessment tool based on scientific principles that use the latest research on resilience and neuroplasticity. Specifically, the Functional Resilience Question-Air identifies employees’ personal strengths, providing them with a global resilience score as well as a personalized development plan. Designed […]

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Going with the flow: Advancement of data collection and analysis tools for utilizing drifter data in tidal energy applications.

This project aims to further develop cost-effective methods for characterizing fluid flow fields in high-energy tidal channels, with a focus on use of low-profile drifters to calibrate and validate numerical models of ocean flows. The project will focus on the Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) used by Acadia and Luna Ocean, primarily for tidal energy […]

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Searchable Social and Environmental Impact Measurement Database

Stakeholders from all business sectors are increasingly looking to businesses to address pressing social and/or environmental issues. Co-operatives are facing the same challenges, and must also use non-financial indicators to demonstrate their co-operative difference. The purpose of this project is to develop a web-based searchable database of existing tools and frameworks to measure social and […]

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Machine Learning methods for Nova Scotia property value prediction

This project will develop and apply machine learning techniques to predict the valuation of the properties in Nova Scotia. The techniques will help Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC) assessors with more efficiently and accurately valuing properties. The ultimate goal is to help PVSC reduce the number of annual appeals – which is a costly undertaking. […]

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