Assessment of a novel chemical entity (TRV 1387) in the treatment of tau-related neuropathology and behavioral impairment in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

The onset of symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease, Picks disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and cortical basal degeneration are connected to the formation of insoluble deposits of the tau protein in the brain, also known as neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). The Treventis Corporation has developed new chemicals that are designed to prevent the formation of NFT, which may […]

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The Development of Green Carbons from Biomass Torrefaction: Activated Carbon

B. W. BioEnergy Inc. has developed and characterized three major carbon samples from a renewable, cost-efficient feedstock, the Alder and Willow trees. B.W. BioEnergy Inc. has identified the need for facile methods of activating Torrified Alder tree biomass and probing the potential application of these biomasses to adsorb various industrial pollutants in the aqueous phase […]

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Minimizing the Impacts and Maximizing the Benefits of Marine Shipping Activities for Arctic Communities Through the Use of Traditional Knowledge

Interest in Arctic shipping is growing as sea ice is melting and as other industries are developing. An increase in shipping presents risks to both the natural environment (from the movement of ships and the products that they carry) and to the local communities that rely on those healthy environments for food and other products. […]

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Effects of Probiotics on Anxiety and Depression

Dr. Potter has recently begun exploring the impact that probiotics (beneficial bacteria found in some food sources such as probiotic yogurt and kefir) have on anxiety and depression. Other researchers have shown that probiotic bacteria exert a significant effect on anxiety and depression-like behaviours in animals. A few studies have extended these findings to humans. […]

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Investigating the feasibility of and the implementation of pre-implantation genetic testing at Atlantic Assisted Reproductive Therapies

Atlantic Assisted Reproduction Therapies (AART) is the primary facility located in the Atlantic Provinces capable of assisting reproductively challenged couples. Fertility Pharmacy Services(FPS) is an onsite subsidiary of AART. AART offers a wide range of services, however, AART currently does not have the capacity to assist individuals who require preimplantation genetic testing. Clients who require […]

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Corporate Residency Business Analyst

CarbonCure Technologies, Inc. was founded in 2007 to spur a market shift towards affordable green concrete. The company has built durable industry partnerships, with plant installations across North America. The CarbonCure innovation permanently absorbs waste CO2 into precast concrete, creating an innovative green building material and giving producers a clear competitive advantage. The Mitacs research […]

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He said, she said: career histories of senior information communications technology leaders from Nova Scotia. Barriers and enablers to advancement for women and men

The study will contribute to a better understanding of Information Communications Technology (ICT) leadership development and in particular to executive career management for both men and women. Human resource management practices which contribute to advancement of senior women will be identified in an evidence-based fashion to encourage their application by decision makers. The study will […]

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High Frequency Beamformer Design with matched Transducer Array

It is the aim of this internship to develop and perform cost-analysis on a set of manufacturing protocols for batch production of high frequency annular ultrasound imaging arrays. To our knowledge this would represent the first time that such arrays have designed for high-volume (2000/wk) production, making the project highly novel. Once the process is […]

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Research & Develop Online Tools for Climate Change Mitigation Services in Developing Countries

Through this Mitacs initiative, the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, and OEA Technologies, Inc., will cooperatively research and develop online and social media tools that facilitate delivery of professional environmental services in developing countries. OEA Technologies’ specific interests are climate-change related oceanographic services and small-island developing states. “Innovation and diversification are not optional […]

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Effects of Probiotics on Anxiety and ADHD in Children

The Probiotics and Mental Health Research Lab in the Psychology Department at Acadia University is currently involved in exciting and innovative research examining the benefits that probiotics (a type of beneficial bacteria found in the human digestive tract as well as in certain foods) may provide to individuals living with psychological conditions such as anxiety, […]

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