Innovative Technology for Bioremediation/Composting of C&D Wood Waste

Manufactured and coated wood (MCW) is generated by the construction and demolition (C&D) industries. At present, some MCW is ground and utilized as daily landfill cover. However, the Province of Nova Scotia would prefer to see this move away from landfill and be utilized as a value added marketable product. Current estimates suggest that there […]

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Developing stochastic model of cognitive function in elderly persons

Cognitive function changes as people age, and for the most part, these changes are not for the good. Not everybody declines with the same rate; however, even people with cognitive impairment can experience different degree of decline. It is also known that a significant proportion of people can remain stable for a time or even […]

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An individual-based model of the Cape Breton Island American marten (Martes mericana) population and habitat usage of released individuals

The American marten is a mink sized member of the weasel family. The Cape Breton Island population is believed to consist of fewer than 50 individuals. The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (NSDNR; partner organization) have already begun efforts to augment the population in association with other partners. Individual based models (IBMs) are used […]

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Experimental and Computational Characterization of long-term (creep) performance of Fiber-reinforced composite/wood

Tenlam, an innovative prestressed aramid/wood composite system for reinforcing glulaminated beams, is a patented system. The system will be used as an integral system for reinforcing glulaminated beams, thus producing a cost-effective, lightweight and astatically pleasing building system. The system will also expand the use of wood in applications where otherwise wood cannot be considered. […]

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Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Recognition

The project shall explore the cutting-edge research and technologies in monitoring daily activities using a set of sensors deployed in the house. The objective of the research is to provide a feasible solution for improving care for patients with chronic disease, while significantly reducing the healthcare cost. We will conduct a comparative study on the […]

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Immune cell tracking to tumor microenvironment and lymphoid

IMV has developed a novel depot-based vaccine platform that can be used with a variety of antigens and adjuvants, which can exhibit rapid and enhanced immune responses following a single dosage. This project will use cell tracking via molecular MRI to explore the immune cell migration in real time in an animal model of cancer, […]

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Waste carpet resource management costs and opportunities

The general purpose and nature of the project is about the economic and environmental costs and opportunities associated with carpet recovery and manufacturing in Nova Scotia. This project encompasses dimensions of research and development, landfill diversion, and value added manufacturing. There are an increasing number of initiatives taking place in the United States, the United […]

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Document Similarity on the Taxonomic Graph

The project shall evaluate and extend the state-of-the-art in document clustering according to semantics extracted from natural language documents. This will require testing of current methods to identify their limitations and proposal of new methods based on empirical observations. Two complementary techniques shall be evaluated: methods for incremental taxonomy growth and for calculating semantic similarity […]

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Model Based Data Development for a Production Scheduling Approach for a Company with Constant Product Innovation

Nautel is an extremely innovative company which results in continual change to their product mix. This makes for a challenging production and inventory control problem that is the subject of the planned research. The research project aims at using customized control methods, together with optimization and simulation, with the goal of helping Nautel provide superior […]

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Understanding the Reliability of WiMAX-Based Transmission in the Internet

WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is an innovative communication technology for broadband wireless access to the Internet. Because of high bandwidth and large coverage, WiMAX has experienced exponential growth over the past years. So far, many telecommunication companies around the world have started to offer WiMAX services. Despite the popularity of WiMAX, the reliability […]

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Optimizing new thinning strategies with a mathematical model to increase yields and control biennial bearing of Honeycrisp apple trees

The recently introduced variety, Honeycrisp, is well-suited to the Annapolis region. Already planted in over 350 acres, Honeycrisp sells for four times the price of other apples. Unfortunately this variety has a major flaw – a tendency to biennial bearing through a strong tendency of producing only spurs and no substantial shoot growth. We need […]

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