Comparison of Different Middle Ear Prostheses in Conducting Mechanical Vibrations for Hearing Reconstruction

Currently, surgeons often reconstruct the middle ear to restore hearing with artificial prostheses that reconnect the middle ear bones that have been destroyed. This process is unpredictable and these prostheses are available in hundreds of different forms from many companies. The supervisor of this project runs one of the foremost laboratories in the world in […]

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High-resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and its Application to Salt Marsh Restoration

Salt marshes are recognized as significant feeding grounds and refuges for wildlife and for their importance in flood mitigation, carbon sequestration and as filters for removing pollutants and suspended sediments. With growing interest in, and efforts towards, dyke removal and salt marsh restoration, there is a need for science-based management decisions to ensure appropriate site-specific […]

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Researching Organic Materials to Control Fruitset of Apples

The project will utilize basic research to understand the target and time of action of the organic materials which will be used to guide the implementation and management plan for a new blossom thinner. The intern will test the efficacy of twenty candidate organic materials to act as blossom thinners and develop a management plan […]

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Investigating the Molecular and Physiological Controls on the Bio-geographical Distribution of Phytoplankton Taxa using General Circulation Models

Computer simulations of the complex physical and chemical composition of the oceans are used to study how the ocean affects, and is affected by, climate. These models are essential to understanding how Earth’s climate is likely to change in the next century. This internship project proposes, in partnership with Environmental Proteomics, a company which provides […]

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Mathematical Methods for Monitoring and Controlling Mite Infestations in Apple Orchards

Various species of mites pose significant challenges for apple growers worldwide. In order to control the mite infestations, miticides can be sprayed or predators can be introduced. The latter option leads to a complex ecology characterized by predator-prey relationships. Multiple species, with varying behaviours, give rise to complex population dynamics that must be better understood […]

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Development of Production Planning Models

The Scotsburn Dairy Group produces over 300 ice cream products for many customers in a highly variable, seasonable market. Currently, no software packages exist in the market to help small to medium-sized dairies manage their production planning and scheduling. By working with Scotsburn, a production scheduling tool will be created which is tailored to the […]

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User Modelling and Feature Selection for Personalized Local Search

Search engines, such as Google, have revolutionized the way we search for electronic information, providing a user with a ranked list of documents most relevant for a particular query. This project with GenieKnows R&D, a search engine company, concerns an extension of this basic technology, in which the goal is to incorporate geographic constraints into […]

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A Support System for Managing Failures of an Electronic Gaming Machine Environment

Computer systems, and in particular hosting servers such as Electronic Gaming Machines (EGM), have become very complex systems, and the requirement for 24/7 service requires fast correction of machine failures. Networks can include several thousands of devices, spread out over a geographic area of thousands of square kilometers. Maintenance and downtime can cost millions of […]

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Cost Shifting of Pharmaceuticals from Public to Private Healthcare Payers

Pharmaceuticals are among the most commonly used and important healthcare treatments in Canada. They are also the second largest single healthcare expenditure and are the fastest increasing healthcare expenditure. For employers, pharmaceuticals are the largest component of their health benefits package and employees cite drugs as being the most valuable part of their employer-funded health […]

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Regional variability of zooplankton population dynamics in the northwest Atlantic: Assessing environmental effects with an Individual-Based Model

The intern in partnership with Fisheries and Ocean Canada will apply an individual‐based model (IBM) to explore spatial variability in environmental forcing on the population dynamics of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. The IBM will include information on life history processes of C. finmarchicus (including development time, mortality and egg production rates) as well as the […]

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