A lab-on-chip fish welfare sensor for application in aquaculture

We propose using the Cortisol hormone, secreted from the fishes during stressful events, to provide ongoing monitoring of fish welfare while in their habitats. Instrumented aquaculture pens will allow operators to continuously be aware of threats to fish health, including harmful blooms, predators, and/or poachers. As Canadian aquaculture capital investments are remote and offshore, a […]

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Ground Disturbance and Downed Woody Materials following Diverse Timber-Harvest Methods in the Pockwock Watershed

The forWater Network, funded by the federal government as well as industry partners and provincial governments, is a national research network looking into the impacts of forest-management strategies on drinking-water source quality and treatability. forWater Network researchers at Dalhousie University (including Duinker, the supervisor in this application) are working with Halifax Water and Westfor Management […]

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Atlantic Salmon Smolt and Habitat Assessment in the Medway River

Atlantic salmon is in decline in many places across its range. Reduced habitat quality, declines in at-sea survival, and decreases in availability or timing of food resources are all recognized as factors contributing to spawning declines and early life survival. Healthy rivers are good candidates for adult enhancement programs. Adult enhancement involves removing some smolts […]

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Connecting ecological dots: striped bass diets, DNA barcoding, stable isotopes and contaminants – Part 2 (of IT15410)

Striped bass, Morone saxatilis, is a popular anadromous fish caught along the Eastern Coast of North American. Striped bass invaded Labrador, NL in August 2017 and, during Part 1 of this study, were identified to feed on Atlantic salmon, cod, char and capelin; important fishes to NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC). The traditional method to identify […]

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Formulating and solving the multi-calendar resumable and non-resumable Naval Surface Ship Work Period Problem

This project deals with the development of a new mathematical model and a fast solution method to optimize the multi-calendar naval surface ship refit scheduling problem with resumable and non-resumable operations. The Naval Surface Ship Work Period Problem (NSWPP) is a highly complex resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) with many work orders that are equivalent […]

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Pairing Meteorological and Power Data for Marine Hybrid Electric Boats

Research will be conducted to determine the best way to visualize and operationalize electric and diesel engine performance data collected in real-time for vessel owners and operators. The boats involved in this research work are candidates for using hybrid electric/diesel drive. The methods of displaying data will be explored to determine the best way to […]

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Evidence-driven strategies for successful schooling outcomes of learners of African descent in Nova Scotia

Research has identified that a gap exists in the academic achievement of Nova Scotian students of African descent as compared to their peers. Taking an Africentric approach, this research aims to understand how schools, families, and communities can collaborate to provide an enabling environment for learning so that Nova Scotian students of African descent succeed […]

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Utilizing Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Improve Poultry Farm Productivity

Within the Canadian context, poultry farmers are constrained by regulations that predetermine chicken prices and market supply. As a result, they are limited in the approaches they can take to improve the profitability of their operations. Within this regulatory framework, farmers must rely on measures that can be applied on their farms to improve chicken’s […]

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Wire arc additive manufacturing and post-fabrication heat treatment of PH 13-8Mo martensitic stainless steel

The proposed Mitacs E-Accelerate project aims to develop the application of 3D-printing technique, and facilitate the transformation from conventional fabrication methods to newly developed additive manufacturing technologies for Canadian industrial sectors. One of the main barriers that prevents the wide-spread utilization of 3D-printing technique is the uncertainties in the resultant performance of the as-printed parts. […]

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Moment Connections to RHS Columns

The proposed research aims to demonstrate the performance of effective, non-proprietary moment connections for wide-flange (W-) beams to rectangular hollow section (RHS) columns in limited-ductility (Type LD) moment resisting frames (MRFs) that are easy and cost-effective to fabricate, handle, and erect. Two W-beam-to-RHS column moment connection prototypes will be developed and tested, in duplicate, at […]

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Determining spatial and temporal overlap of migratory fishes with areas proposed for in-stream tidal turbine development to inform the tidal power Risk Assessment Program

The lack of scientific data on the potential effects of instream tidal power extraction on migratory fishes is delaying the decision-making process on a technology that shows promise for reducing carbon emissions, and for which Canada could become a global leader in the production of infrastructure. It remains unclear if fishes that occupy Canada’s leading […]

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