Experimental and Analytical Study on Sustainable Sandwich Structures made from Recycled Plastic Core and PET FRP facing

The project seeks to discover the optimum design and commercialization strategy for newly developed sandwich structures derived from recycled plastic for the civil engineering sector. The sandwich structures are highly sustainable and could potentially consume large amounts of the rapidly produced plastic waste. The final sandwich product would have the potential to be used in […]

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Tunable, High Throughput UV Exposure Device

Ultraviolet-C (UV) light is able to damage cells and organic matter to make water, air, and high touch surfaces safe for the public. UV-C lamps render microorganisms harmless by damaging their cell structure and DNA. UV-C based water treatment has safely been used for decades by water utilities around the world. Recent developments in technology […]

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Development and market assessment of a reliable and efficacious anthocyanin-based healthy food ingredient

To date, there is a growing attention to the use of plant-food bioactives in disease prevention. Anthocyanin, a colorful plant pigment extracted from purple and blue color fruits and vegetables has been investigated broadly for its cancer preventive and immunity boosting properties. However, anthocyanin degrade during the conventional food processing conditions such as exposure to […]

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Assessment of the feasibility of manufacturing and marketing carvacrol-incorporated natural health products

Antibiotic therapy has been the primary approach for strep throat. Although various antibiotics, including penicillin, are effective, bacteriologic, and clinical treatment failures have been reported. Patients are more concerned about soothing the pain during the infection, and green/natural drug therapy with less or no adverse side effects are becoming popular. From preliminary studies and literature, […]

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Discovering new microbes and metabolisms in deep sea sediments using metagenomic sequencing

Microorganisms living in marine seafloor sediments are of scientific interest for many reasons including their role in cycling nutrients, their metabolic diversity, and the relatively few investigations of their existence due to their habitation of such an extreme and isolated environment. In addition, subsurface microbes can provide insight into their surrounding environment, including signalling the […]

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Characterizing Offshore Lobster Biology and Estimating Tag Recaptures and Reporting Rates in Lobster Fishing Areas 33 and 34

Little information is known about offshore lobster. Knowledge gaps exist in general population demographics, maturity rates, and movement patterns (migrations). Most notably, nothing is known about offshore lobster in this region especially during the closed season. This project will form a collaboration between captains and their crews and researchers to collect data on the offshore […]

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Characterization and behavioural studies on Psilocybe mushrooms and related psychotropic compounds

This MITACs proposal seeks funding to establish an internship cluster dedicated to researching novel psychedelic compounds for the purposes of treating clients suffering from PTSD and anxiety using its comprehensive psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy treatment model. The objective of this one-year project is to characterize the chemical composition of psychedelic mushrooms, optimizing extraction process, testing extracts and […]

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Indigenous Front Line Workers: Mapping Future Directions in the Resolution Health Support Workers and Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator Programs in Atlantic Canada

The Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission have transformed healing, health and wellbeing services for Indigenous peoples who attended residential and their descendants. Working with the frontline health workers who provide the Resolution Health Support Program and the Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator Program, this research maps the successes and challenges […]

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Development of alternative technologies to assess muscle functionality

Skeletal muscle is a dynamic tissue that undergoes many regeneration processes during our lifetime. Loss of skeletal muscle is known as muscle atrophy or sarcopenia and is directly related with quality of life and life expectancy. There are very few diagnostic tools to identify muscle atrophy and the ones available are time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, […]

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Textile Embedded Vital Health Signs Monitor

The goal in medicine is prolong life and prevent disease before it spreads and becomes irreversible. There must be a way to easily self-monitor or to allow medical professionals to continuously remotely monitor high risk patients. The main vital signs that ideally should be constantly evaluated are pulse rate, respiration rate, body temperature, oxygen saturation […]

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Aeration design and bioreactor optimization for nutrient recycling systems

This research project will look to help Cultivated Ecosystems Ltd. redesign their current reactor that they use for generating organic nutrients and beneficial micro-organisms to enable them to produce the quantities needed on a regular basis for commercialization. It will look at how these micro-organisms grow under different conditions and create new equipment that will […]

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