Data Analytics to Optimize Drinking Water Quality

Drinking water utilities must maintain water quality in the face of unexpected shocks to the system as well as planned upgrades with unintended consequences. Failure to do so can result in significant threats to public health: the city of Flint, Michigan, for instance, experienced a water quality crisis after making changes to source water chemistry […]

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User Adaptive Systems for Behaviour Change in Health And Wellness

There has been a dramatic increase in digital well-being products in recent years and there is a market saturated with ineffective user experiences and little to no sustainable, desired behavioural change. By assessing and enhancing the effectiveness of a personalized approach to digital well-being app interaction through machine learning and emotion-driven adaptive computing, we can […]

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Wastewater Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Nova Scotia

Although COVID-19 is considered a respiratory illness, the genetic material of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has been found in the feces of people infected with the virus. It is known that the virus survives longer in the gastrointestinal tract than in the respiratory tract. As such, wastewater has been used to determine the […]

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Livelihood Fisheries and Indigenous Rights in Atlantic Canada: An Examination of Netukulimk Principles in Action

The Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat’s (APC) Fisheries and Integrated Resources Department is responsible for research, analysis, and development of policy altneratives and programs for all aspects of fisheries for their member communities. This research project examines the role of Indigenous principles for resource management in the fisheries operations of Indigenous communities […]

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Atlantic Canadian Beef Success and Opportunities

The purpose of this project to empower Atlantic Canadian Beef Producers to understand the unique success factors for beef production in the region and identify opportunities to improve their cost of production while mitigating environmental impacts based on the on-going work of the Beef Cattle Research Centre on the Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production (CDN […]

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Phenols-Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as a New Class of Antioxidants for the Prevention of Degenerative Diseases

The present project proposes a new type of antioxidant drug as a way to reduce genetically the probability of appearance of degenerative diseases, e.g. different cancers, Alzheimer’s disease and Atherosclerosis. The general idea is to combine two different types of compounds with antioxidant properties: nanomaterials and certain molecules extracted from a cuban plant with the […]

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AttentionTrip: a gamified tool for measuring the networks of attention

Attention is an important part of everyday functioning. We use it to interact with the world around us and take in new information. ‘AttentionTrip’ is a sophisticated tool that allows clinicians and researchers to measure the different components of attention, while it feels like you are playing a videogame. With this tool, we can see […]

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Integrated Thermal Control Methods for Use in Scalable Battery Systems

Lithium-ion batteries are increasingly being used to reduce fossil fuel use and emissions. Cold weather performance of Lithium-ion batteries is a limiting factor in outdoor applications. Mavio Technologies Inc. aspires to construct durable Canadian made Lithium-ion batteries packs that perform well in the adverse Canadian climate. This project plans to research the effect of using […]

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Linearization of High Peak-to-Average Power Amplifiers for Digital Broadcast Radio Applications

Broadcast radio is changing from an analog medium based on frequency modulation (FM) to a full digital broadcast based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The high peak-to-average power ratio of the OFDM waveform requires different power amplifier topologies and a high degree of linearity. The research in this project analyzes current amplifier performance for […]

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The Economic Transitions of Refugees Resettling in Rural Nova Scotia Since 2015: Learning from Refugee Newcomers, Sponsorship Groups, and Employers

The project explores the facilitators and barriers to the successful economic transitions of privately sponsored refugees resettled in rural areas of Nova Scotia since 2015. While acknowledging differences in pre-migration experiences, we seek to better understand 1) the post-migration factors shaping their economic transitions, such as gender, parental status, race, age and health; 2) how […]

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Wije’winen – Envisioning the New Mi’kmaw Friendship Centre through Participatory City and Principles of Reconciliation

The Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre (MNFC) in Kjipuktuk / Halifax, Nova Scotia is building a new centre and is designing the space to provide programming and services that will substantiate reconciliation for urban Indigenous communities. In order to engage the diverse populations residing in the North End neighbourhoods of Kjipuktuk / Halifax, the MNFC is […]

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