User Centered Design and Usability of a mHealth intervention for COPD management

Mobile health (mHealth) strategies hold a great promise to enhance treatment outcomes while mitigating health care costs (Hayes et al., 2014). It allows health care providers to tailor treatments to each individual based on their lifestyle. The primary objective is to involve COPD patients and their health care providers in the development of a mobile […]

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Increasing Value: How Best to Recognize and Reward Fish Harvesters and Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador for Sustainable Fisheries Practices

In 2015, Canada exported $6 billion in fish and seafood. Fishing is important not only economically, but also socially, and environmentally. In order to have seafood now and into the future, sustainable development of the fisheries is important. One way to make sure that fishing is being done in this way, is to recognize and […]

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Research on Robust Face Recognition Algorithms

In recent years, face recognition algorithms based on deep neural networks have achieved human-level performance when tested on face recognition database. However, when put into real-world application, those algorithms are not robust enough, due to factors such as different lighting conditions, camera distance, and face orientations. In this project, the university team and the partner […]

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Intelligent High Voltage Bushing System Analysis and Monitoring

It has been demonstrated in the previous research that monitoring only one point as the sole region of insulation degradation is not sufficient for operational safety of high-voltage bushings. Therefore, monitoring a wider volume of the high stress region inside the bushing using ECT sensing becomes a necessity for earlier detection of defects. In this […]

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Development of a model for computational sea ice monitoring

The proposed research project focuses on the development of a novel model for the computation of sea ice parameters in near real- time relying on satellite data. The interdisciplinary team will investigate solutions for high performance computing to monitor sea ice and calculate ice parameters with the high spatial resolution. This project includes R&D activities […]

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Development of a Novel Marine Icing Prediction Model

All shipping and marine activity is subject to risks, such as flooding and capsize in extreme seas. Shipping in cold winter conditions is subject to additional risks, such as ice accretion on the topsides, which in extreme cases can cause capsize. The catastrophic capsize of smaller vessels due to icing is still taking place, with […]

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Innovative Designs in Methane Sourcing

The purpose of this project is to change the way piplelines are sourced for potential leaks. Currently, gas sniffers that detect gas near the pipeline monitor subsea pipelines. However, these sniffers do not differentiate between gas types and are unable to determine the source of the detected gas. Therefore, sniffers are unable to confirm if […]

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The additive effects of foam rolling and Biofreeze on range of motion, pain threshold and submaximal force production task to failure

Research has shown that rolling muscles can increase flexibility without hindering performance as well as to heighten pressure pain threshold. It was also shown that topically applied gels, which contain menthol, result in a cooling sensation and reduce the sensation of pain. While both modalities are suggested to influence pain perception through different pathways, their […]

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Enhanced analytical techniques for offshore structural integrity

Lyan Eng. Developments Inc. is looking to find novel ways to make processes in the energy sector more cost efficient. The results from this project have significant applications to pipeline integrity and platform integrity for sub-sea and off-shore applications. The robust failure prediction models are going to help engineers in various disciplines to accurately predict […]

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Digitalizing Extractive Industries

The broad objectives of this research include: (1) to develop an accurate picture of the extent to which digital technologies have been adopted by extractive industries, (2) to understand factors that have impacted on the pace of digitalization, (3) to develop an understanding of how further digitalization could transform extractive industries and the communities and […]

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Exploring action plans for enhancing community sustainability in Baie Verte

The mining industry forms an integral part to the economy of Newfoundland and Labrador. The island of Newfoundland is particularly important to the NL mining industry, as it houses several active mining operations, as well as minerals exploration and developments in several areas including the Baie Verte peninsula. As mining operations are noted as impacting […]

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Framework for assessing environmental threats to marine endangered species and creating shipping management scenarios

Marine species are threatened by a growing number of human activities occurring in our seas and oceans. Understanding the consequences of pollution, for instance, requires combining information relative to the distribution of pollutants in marine environments with information relative to the spatial distribution of marine species. Our project aims at creating a framework for the […]

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