Functional Characterization of Mammaglobin-1 Isoform in Breast Cancer

Many genes are implicated in the development and progression of breast cancer. One of these genes, mammaglobin 1 (MGB1), is specifically found in breast cells. MGB1 is routinely used for the detection of invasive breast cancer that migrate to distant organs of the body and form a secondary tumor. However, the specific role of MGB1 […]

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Effectiveness of an Online Game in Promoting Careers in New Brunswick Nursing Homes

Workforce shortages are a growing problem in New Brunswick, and across Canada. Nursing homes are already experiencing challenges in recruiting staff, while the demand for the service continues to rise due to an aging population. Nursing homes need an effective recruitment strategy and the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes has committed to investing in […]

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Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence

The proposed NBIF RIF project will establish a UNB Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence (MAMCE) in Atlantic Canada. The focus of the centre is the marine and defence sectors with vision for global marine technology trend for 2030, which includes additive manufacturing, and advanced materials. MAMCE’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of metal […]

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Development of a reject refining method in the magnesium bisulfite pulping process

Twin Rivers Paper previously installed and ran a reject refining process in order to improve their pulp yield. However, once the process was implemented it decreased the cleanness in the produced pulp which is undesirable for customers therefore the process was shut down. Currently the rejected chips are either being burned or sent to landfill […]

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Hydrogen and stress in electroless copper and electroless nickel films

Electroless copper is used by the printed circuit board industry for interconnections between the different components. High-end applications, such as mobile phones, drive the need for smaller connections, flexible substrates and efficient manufacturing methods. Atotech, the industrial partner, is one of the global leaders in this segment. Mount Allison University has been a research partner […]

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Valorization of surface enhanced pulp fibers into value-added products

Domtar Inc. is investigating potential value-added applications for an advanced fiber they produce, which is referred to as SEPF (surface enhanced pulp fiber). SEPF is a key platform material for the development of new value-added, bio-based products from existing pulp and paper manufacturing sites and their forest based supply chains. The main objective of this […]

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Recommendation engine for intelligent recruiting and expertise matching using social media-like deep collaborative filtering

In today’s candidate-driven market, talent recruitment represents a major challenge for many companies. Younger millennials have different expectations of their work environment than previous generations. They are heavy users of technology in almost all their activities, including job search. They are also used to multiple social medias and expect faster feedback.  In this changing environment, […]

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Ahead of Time Compiled Code Generation

Compilers are large software projects consisting of many separate but common components like code generators, garbage collectors, and runtime diagnostic tools, to name but a few. Historically compiler developers have had to write each of these components from scratch. The Eclipse OMR project was created to provide generic components for use in new compilers and […]

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Do Physical Activity Levels Predict Functional Improvements following a Structured Exercise Program for Women Undergoing Breast Cancer Treatment?

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canadian women, representing 26 percent of all diagnostics. The overall cancer survival rate has increased from 25% in the 1940s to 60%. Thus, the proportion of breast cancer survivors is increasing significantly. There is a consensus that survivors benefit from exercise during and after treatment. However, […]

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The Development of an Improved Model for Start-up Accelerators

The goal of this study will be to develop a new and improved model for start-up accelerators. These accelerators can be defined as programs that help start-ups develop their business model and acquire capital such that they can grow and thrive in today’s business environment. To create the new model, start-ups that are part of […]

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Numerical Simulation of Turbulence and In-Situ Tidal Turbine Performance in Minas Passage

Turbulence is a significant issue at every site being considered for instream tidal energy development. This turbulent flow creates fluctuating forces on tidal turbine blades and support structures, reducing turbine performance and shortening turbine lifespan. Thus, improving and validating numerical models of turbulence and turbine operation in turbulent flow is necessary to better predict device […]

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