Exploring home range and habitat use during the breeding season of the Bicknell’s thrush (Catharus bicknelli) in New Brunswick Clear-cuts

The Bicknell’s thrush (Cathurs bicknelli) is a rare songbird with the most restrictive breeding range in North America. The Bicknell’s thrush spends its summer months breeding in high elevation, stunted growth forests – a habitat that the species specializes in. In New Brunswick, there has been a documented population decline of 11.5% per year since […]

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Disturbance thresholds and factors influencing community dynamics of epiphytic cyanolichens in Nova Scotia, with an emphasis on rare and at-risk species

The coastal wet mixedwood forests of Nova Scotia are globally important for lichen biodiversity, but several lichen species are now declining or endangered. This is concerning for forest managers, because forest companies may be subject to penalties if they inadvertently destroy the habitat of an endangered species. The causes of lichen declines are not fully […]

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Dam Seepage Monitoring using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing

The safe operation of a dam, such as Mactaquac, necessitates regular integrity monitoring over the structure lifespan. Optical fiber temperature sensing can provide seepage monitoring throughout a dam structure providing the operator with location specific seepage rates. Since the monitoring will be continuous over time and potentially operate over the lifespan of the dam operators […]

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Watershed-scale connectivity analysis: An applied GIS model towards the strategic management of barriers to Atlantic salmon migration

Barriers to connectivity are often associated with roads, culverts, and even beaver dams. An M.Sc. student with the CRI at UNB working in collaboration with the Restigouche River Watershed Management Council will develop a watershed-scale connectivity analysis using a GIS model to best inform the management of connectivity to reproductive habitats for Atlantic salmon in […]

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Fluids in Petroleum Reservoir Core Plugs

This MITACS Accelerate project supports the development of new MR/MRI methods of interest and importance to the international petroleum industry. The project joins the UNB MRI Centre, the leading academic research lab in MRI of petroleum reservoir core plugs, with Green Imaging Technologies, the market leader internationally in the provision of MR/MRI methods for laboratory […]

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TRICHUM: Translating Research into Innovation for Cannabis Health at Université de Moncton

Supplying cannabis, and cannabis products, to a legalized retail market represents a major economic opportunity and has been identified as a growth opportunity under New Brunswick’s Economic Growth Plan (Province of New Brunswick, 2016). Indeed, the retail market value for recreational cannabis in Canada is expected to reach $8.7 billion annually (Deloitte, 2016); however, current […]

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Measurement-Based Geospatial Data Management

This project will develop and test a geospatial data management system for land surveyors. The system will of a mobile client for data collection and a web service that integrates and stores the data long term. Data processing will use the most accurate geodetic techniques to ensure data quality and optimal data integration strategies will […]

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Detection of Fights in Crowd Video

Detection of fights and anomalous behavior of individuals in a crowd is a common problem in computer vision. Some tools that currently exist rely on optical flow of tracked features is a sequence of video frames. These motion algorithms are sensitive to independently moving objects in the frame. What constitutes an “anomaly” is context (eg. […]

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Bird Strike Simulation Research

Bird strikes on aircraft are common and costly occurrences. Aerospace companies use computer simulations of these events during the design phase to ensure the aircraft is safe and efficiently designed against such an event. A bird strike event is very complex and difficult to simulate. This research will use experimental data generated at the University […]

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Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry in the Northern Canada areas

The main objective of these two subprojects is to provide a web portal for uploading hydrography related data of sensors system embedded on fishing boat of volunteers in Canada Northern communities. Indeed, the geospatial portal will provide a comprehensive framework to allow for the storage, discovery and accessibility of the bathymetric and related oceanographic data […]

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Developing Intelligent Approaches for Factories of the Future – An intelligent strategy for robotic part inspection in advanced manufacturing

Human inspection of high quality components in advanced manufacturing, automotive and aerospace applications is challenging, as detecting imperfections that are variable can result in inconsistent part quality decisions. These inspection tasks are very repetitive. Achieving zero incorrect part quality decisions that are required in high tolerance assembly, as well as in critical process operations becomes […]

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