Visualizing the Performance of Scientific Applications Executing with Space-Time Domain Decomposition

Today’s high performance computers offer the possibility of computing complex large scale computational fluid dynamics simulations in a reasonable time. In practice, exploting the thousands of computing cores to achieve the desired solution time is very challenging. These challenges include finding enough work to keep all these cores busy, and assigning work to different parts […]

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Development of an online and customizable corporate challenge and integrated workplace wellness tracking and self-monitoring platform

The main objective of the project is to develop a customizable corporate challenge and integrated workplace wellness tracking and self-monitoring platform. Physical inactivity has a direct impact on employees’ medical condition, workplace stress, health metrics, self-reported work impairment, and absenteeism. Thus there is a crucial need for wellness programs that maximize employee participation to physical […]

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Purification and Trapping of Biohydrogen

Solarvest has developed a cutting-edge technology that enables algae to produce hydrogen in a continuous cycle in a single vessel. The hydrogen is released along with carbon dioxide and water, and intermittently the algae needs to be permitted to carry out photosynthesis, which generates oxygen. This project entails the construction, installation and testing of a […]

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Export Marketing & Needs Analysis for Solanum Genomics Int’l Inc. (SGII)

This project will help Solanum Genomics International determine the export potential of one its technologies for improving potatoes. The commercial opportunity for this technology lies in improving the potato by increasing its genetic variability through a process called somaclonal variation. By understanding the market and its needs – knowing what traits the market is interested […]

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Further development of sulphite-based dissolving pulp production

The requested Mitacs-Accelerate Internship application will support Dr. Yishan Liu (as an intern) and Dr. Yonghao Ni (as supervisor) of the University of New Brunswick and Neucel Specialty Cellulose. The overall objectives of the project are: 1) to improve the quality of dissolving pulps; 2) to decrease the manufacturing costs by using low-cost wood material. […]

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Cloud based hybrid low-cost appliance control and monitoring system

The proposed research project “Cloud based hybrid low-cost appliance control and monitor system” is an appliance automation system consisting of an arrangement of different channels of communication. The main idea behind the proposed work is to provide a real time control and monitoring for industrial appliances located in workplaces where internet accessibility is not immediate. […]

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Security assessment of mobile financial services

Information technology rapid evolution was always closely followed by sophistication of malware. And with ubiquitous shift to mobile platforms, rise of mobile malware and in particular banking malware came as no surprise. In general, any financial operation on a mobile platform potentially exposes a user to the variety of threats including data leakage, theft and […]

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Optimization of Conventional and Novel Methods for Removing Carbon Dioxide from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are land based fish farms that recycle the water from the fish tanks using multiple water treatment processes. Fish produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, through respiration, that needs to be removed during the water treatment process since high levels of carbon dioxide are hazardous to fish. Currently the most common […]

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Characterization of the diversity, genetics and genomics of common scab causing Streptomyces spp. in eastern Canada

Common scab is a world-wide potato disease that is responsible for important economic losses. The control of the disease is difficult and soil fumigation is often the only approach available. In Atlantic Canada, crop losses associated with common scab are economically important and the disease has been progressing in severity. Therefore, Dr. Filion, in association […]

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Tick vectored disease biobank

Lyme disease is one of the many diseases transmitted by ticks. The rate of these diseases is rapidly increasing in Canada. Diagnosing these diseases is difficult but examination of biopsy, necropsy and autopsy tissue can help to understand the full and varied effects of the disease and ultimately reduce misdiagnoses. Biobanks are required for this […]

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