Design of a wave energy converter for marine buoys

This project is focused on developing a wave energy converter (WEC) and using it to power a buoy system. The buoys continuously float in the ocean and undergo a large amount of dynamic motion which could feasibly be harnessed. The goal is to develop a device that can be commercialized and installed into any buoy […]

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Population Estimation of the Western Conifer Seed Bug by Mark Release Recapture, and Calibration of a Visual Monitoring Technique

The western conifer seed bug is an important seed orchard pest in southern interior British Columbia, where it is responsible for significant seed loss, particularly in lodge pole pine and Douglas‐fir. In order to develop an economic damage threshold, i.e., when it would be economically justifiable to apply a pesticide treatment to protect the seed […]

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Testing for thresholds and defining targets – using bird habitat relationships to improve forest management on traditional lands of the West Moberly First Nations

Tree species composition – in particular the ratio of coniferous to deciduous trees – is likely a major evolutionary force shaping biodiversity in the boreal ‘mixedwood’ forest. There are concerns that logging practices are resulting in declines in the amount of old mixedwood stands in Canada’s western boreal forest, which may be having a negative […]

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The Space Between

This project explores the space between the users and Kodak’s products. It focuses on the application of user‐centered design research methodologies and techniques to define opportunities surrounding Kodak products’ usability, workflow and user experience. Specific and extensive research will be done on Kodak products. These products can be installed in a variety of combinations, and […]

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Controls on Sediment Production from Forest Roads in the Honna Watershed

Forest roads can contribute significant amounts of sediment to nearby streams with subsequent impacts on aquatic ecology and water quality (including drinking water quality). This project will determine the triggers for sediment generation from forest roads in the Honna Watershed through controlled experiments using a large and small scale rainfall simulator and continuous turbidity monitoring. […]

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Is the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality-Institutional Rating Scale Suitable for Use at Correctional Facilities?

Although a large number of inmates are estimated to have personality disorders (primarily antisocial personality disorder or psychopathy), mental health screening and treatment programs in correctional facilities rarely focus on maladaptive personality patterns. Given that the effectiveness of mental health screening has great implications for the safety of staff and inmates, as well as for […]

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Knowledge Translation: Nursing Uptake and Patient Outcomes Examined

Best practice guidelines are vital resources in the provision of consistent and equitable cancer care by Registered Nurses. However, best practice guidelines are not readily used in cancer care and when they are available, this use is inconsistent. Previous research about the use and impact of practice guidelines has focused on the problems of professionals […]

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Best Practices in Business Education

This project will focus on experiential education and how it can be used to enhance the learning processes at Blyth Education. As an introduction to the subject, the report will explore current literature surrounding the topics of ‘Experiential Education’ and ‘Business Education’. The project will then turn its focus to Blyth Education, and identify the […]

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Determining the Socio-demographic and Environmental Risk Factors for Intentional Injury

This aim of this project is to determine the social characteristics of neighbourhoods and elements of the urban environment that may be associated with increased rates of intentional injury (injuries resulting from violence and self-harm). Conducting comprehensive area-based assessments of intentional injury is difficult in Vancouver because of restrictions on reporting sensitive health information. To […]

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Development of Framework to Assess Fire Risk

The intern will assist in developing a component of a probability and statistical risk based methodology for completing quantitative risk assessments of building designs and a corresponding probabilistic failure based methodology on fire causation and spread. Data collected by Sereca Fire will be applied to construct more specific models, which can predict the frequency of […]

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GPU-oriented Structural Variation Detection in Human Genomes

Fast structural variation (deletion, insertion and inversion) detection between genome of different individuals is the main goal of this project. The internship team is planning in extending new algorithms to reduce the number of false positive calls (especially for deletions) and to parallelize it using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The standard approach implementation of the […]

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