Fusing Structural, Functional and Diffusion Tensor MR Image for Neurological Disorders

Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (sMRI) provides high-quality images of soft tissue through the use external magnetic fields and electromagnetic radio-frequency pulses to excite protons abundant in the human body. Diffusion Tensor MRI (dtMRI) is a unique, non-invasive imaging technique capable of measuring the anisotropic diffusion of water molecules in biological tissues. The resulting image reflects […]

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Active Learning of Hierarchically Parameterized Policies

Next Level Games is a full-service videogame developer based in Vancouver, BC. This intern research project will investigate mathematical solutions to the incredibly difficult problem of sequential decision making in an uncertain, partially observed, multi-agent environment with realistic motor dynamics. The problem is formalized under the reinforcement learning framework, where the agent observes the world […]

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Convex Decomposition of a Triangle Soup

Radical Entertainment is a video game developer which creates and develops games for all current and next generation platforms. Collision detection forms an indispensable part in today’s 3D game engines. Due to increasing size of the 3D objects used in game development, high-performance collision detection running directly on these objects requires a significant amount of […]

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Fire Hazard and the Effects of Natural vs Anthropogenic Disturbances on the Early Successional Patterns of ICH Forests in BC

Historical fire suppression and subsequent increases in fuel loading have led to more frequent and damaging forest fires across North America. This has prompted much research into how changing disturbance regimes affect forests and how to manage fires appropriately and in a more natural way. Parks Canada is interested in how disturbance regimes have shifted, […]

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Security Assertion Checking & Enforcement Using Monitors

The goal of this project is to develop a new set of procedures and tools for testing the security of running software systems using a technique based on the concept of monitor. Monitors are systems which observe and analyze the behavior of a second system. The monitor will be designed as an external system that […]

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Real-time Reproduction of Statistical Accurate Distributed System Workloads

Enquisite Software provides analytical services to corporate clients through the “mining” of data detailing how client customers interact with the clients’ Internet-point of presence. To facilitate this work, Enquisite actively collects a continuous stream of client interaction data which is stored in its repository, on which Enquisite clients perform on-demand queries for business actionable knowledge. […]

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Detrital Mineral Geochronology of the Wernecke Supergroup in the Yukon: Enhancing the Framework for Mineral Exploration

This project is designed to provide new information on the source of the sediment in the Wernecke Supergroup, a widespread geological formation in northern Yukon that was deposited approximately 1.8 billion years ago. This formation is important because it hosts numerous mineral occurrences that are attracting considerable mineral exploration activity. The source of the sediment […]

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Forest Habitat Requirements for Nesting Sandhill Cranes in Coastal British Columbia

The Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) is a tall, long-lived bird that uses isolated wetlands, estuaries and meadows in British Columbia for breeding and staging. The Sandhill Crane is “blue-listed” (a species of special concern) in British Columbia and requires specific management strategies, including Wildlife Habitat Areas, for forest and range activities. Sandhill Cranes found along […]

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Influence of Viruses on Marine Prokaryotes in Canada’s Arctic Waters

Viruses are an abundant and dynamic component of marine microbial communities. The project will use information encoded in the genomes of viruses and their bacterial hosts to obtain a measure of the number of different types of viruses and bacterial species in Canadian Arctic waters. Additionally, the project will focus on the relationship between viral […]

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Measuring and Modelling Ecological Resilience

The BC Ministry of Forests and Range has recently undertaken a Future Forest Ecosystem Initiative (FFEI) whose purpose is to adapt the BC forest and range legislation and policy to a changing climate and to ensure BC’s forest and rangeland ecosystems remain resilient to stress. This research project helps to provide a scientific underpinning for […]

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