Research on Optimal Interaction Engagement Strategies between the “The Thingery” Community Sharing Platform and Its Users with a Focus on Mobile Development

The Thingery Sharing Inc. is the logistics provider and parent organization of community lending libraries known as Thingeries located throughout the Lower Mainland of BC. Prior social impact research was conducted to identify and understand the impact that a Thingery has on the social connectivity and ecological footprint of its members for ongoing analysis and […]

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Architecture of Opportunity with 3D Printing Technology

Large scale 3D printing is a promising and fast developing technology. The main advantages being the speed of execution, less labour needs, material efficiency, and design freedom. This project aims to identify the opportunities that exist in utilizing this technology for building structures with an emphasis on finding opportunities for solving current housing needs and […]

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IoT, AI and Analytics for Smart Urban Water Systems

The Advanced Data Analytics Platform for the Transformation (ADAPT) developed herein integrates quality assurance, quality control and Artificial Intelligence techniques to identify trends and relationships in water networks data. The importance of this information for fostering utility communications and business processes is demonstrated through a visualization dashboard built based on ADAPT. These tools will provide […]

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Smart disinfection in a nosocomial setting: Requirements capture and operation design.

In hospitals, surface disinfection is critical in reducing the spread of disease and the risk of nosocomial infection. In research institutions, where disinfection practices are less rigorous, fomite control is critical in keeping students, faculty and staff safe. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVC) is an effective disinfection technology that is widely used in hospitals but relies […]

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Evaluation of terminal complement cascade inhibitors using in vitro and in vivo models of age-related macular degeneration and in Alzheimer’s Disease

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness that is estimated to affect over 6 million people globally. There are currently no approved treatments for dry AMD, the most common form of the disease. Various lines of inquiry suggest that dysregulation of a part of the innate immune system called complement plays a […]

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Fast Catalytic Pyrolysis of Sewage Sludge for Producing High-Grade Bio-Oil and Effective Sorbent for Capturing Emerging Contaminants

Large amounts of sewage sludge (SS) have been generated yearly by municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWPs), which entail huge operational expenses and advanced treatments, and the final disposal of biosolids in agricultural applications is reduced because of the potential environmental risks (e.g., heavy metals and emerging contaminants) associated with biosolids applications. The increased use of […]

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Evaluation of nutrition (growth medium) on terpene production in Cannabis sativa

Cannabis sativa plants accumulate a suite of volatile biochemical compounds known as mono- and sesquiterpenes that determinethe characteristic scent of the plant, and contribute to its therapeutic properties in two ways. First, a 10-carbon terpene (amonoterpene) precursor makes up part of cannabinoid molecules, the key medicinal constituents of C. sativa plants. Second, someterpenes (e.g., geraniol […]

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IoT-based Rental Item Location Tracking System

The purpose of this project is to add a feature to Rentrax so that business owners can track the physical location of their rental items. Device should be small enough to be hidden in rental items such as bikes. Battery usage of device should be as low as possible so that it doesn’t need frequent […]

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Good Decisions, Diverse Voices: Developing Tools for Equitable Decision Making

Despite the importance of diverse voices in community decision-making, we still do not fully understand how to support sound decision making in a way that is equitable and works to advance agendas of historically marginalized groups. We will draw on notions of equitable representation and urban planning to define equitable decision making, identify value elicitation […]

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