Optimizing Machine Learning to Increase Relevance in Photo Selection for Private School-Based Social Media

Machine learning, specifically deep learning, for face recognition applications has advanced significantly over the past 20 years [ref: science direct survey on deep based facial recognition]. There are many deep learning concepts pertinent to face image analysis and facial recognition, and there is active research in outstanding problems ranging from effective algorithms to handle variations […]

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Sustainable Management of Abandoned, Lost, or Discarded Fishing Gear in British Columbia: Through the Lens of Local Stakeholders

A review of current literature will be used to develop an enhanced record of knowledge on the topic of lost fishing gear in British Columbia; specifically looking at the socio-economic and ecological impacts, regionally applicable case study solutions, best practice framework recommendations, and current policies on environmental management of marine debris in Canada. Results will […]

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Digital Storytelling for Social Justice: Impact assessment, Producer Approach, and Strategic Communication in an age of New Media

This study aims to evaluate and measure the impact of a Canadian produced documentary, I am Rohingya, A Genocide in Four Acts. By critically analysing the intended and unintended outcomes of this award-winning documentary, producers whose aim is to enhance their socially minded production process, can learn how to improve their techniques through feedback and […]

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Determining Impacts of Harvesting on Clam Beds in the Nanoose Bay Recreational Shellfish Reserve

The Nanoose Economic Development Corporation (NEDC) represents the Nanoose First Nation, who harvest clams from the Nanoose Bay Recreational Shellfish Reserve. Clams are a culturally significant food source for the Indigenous peoples in these traditional lands, and the potential overharvesting of clams in this area may impose irreversible negative effects. By completion of a literature […]

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Can deep learning algorithms be trained to automate the classification of information held in historical and repeat photographs?

Repeat photography is a valuable tool for evaluating long-term ecological change. Historical photographs used for repeat photography often predate conventional remote sensing data by decades, and the oblique perspective of the photographs capture details of the landscape absent in nadir imagery. To date, most approaches to quantifying landscape change using repeat photography have involved manual […]

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A scenario-based modelling framework for projecting COVID-19 infections and deaths

The speed and extent of the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our abilities, as forecasters, like never before. Early data on the disease’s epidemiology is limited, records of cases and infections are incomplete, and the dynamics and scientific understanding of the disease are changing daily. Scientists from around the world have been quick to respond by […]

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Rational Nanoparticle Design for Efficient Transmucosal Gene Delivery

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults, without a cure. Nanoparticles (NPs) have emerged as a promising strategy for delivering genetic treatments for various diseases. However, the development of NPs to treat CF has encountered many obstacles. This is mostly because the human airways, which constantly […]

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Forest Disturbance Effects on Hydro-Geomorphic Processes in Large Watersheds

In the last few decades, forest practices, beetle kill and wildfires have created forest disturbances in large watersheds across Canada, at a rate and severity greater than what has occurred historically. These disturbances can dramatically impact rivers by changing the timing and magnitude of high flows and by influencing river-bank erosion and the ability of […]

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Anion Exchange Membranes for use in Industrial Electrolysis Systems for Salt-Splitting

Salt splitting is a technology in which an electrochemical cell containing 2 membranes to transport positive and negative ions, is used to produce sulfuric acid and caustic soda from sodium sulfate, a compound found commonly from industrial brine streams. Salt splitting electrolysis is a sustainable solution for the expanding markets of acid and caustic recovery […]

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Autonomous Mission Planning and Simulation Software Design for Unmanned Surface Vehicles

Ocean industries and researchers need the on-site oceanographic and environmental data, but collecting that data is costly, challenging, and time-consuming. Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) offer a promising solution for marine data collection. Equipped with oceanographic sensors, cameras and communication devices, the USV Data Xplorer developed by Open Ocean Robotics can voyage for extended periods thanks […]

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