Safe and Effective Enclosure for Electric Baseboard Heaters

Vent & Cover wants to develop in conjunction with UBC and UWO, an enclosure that can slip over electric baseboard heaters and create a safe-to-touch exterior while still allowing the heater to heat the room safely and effectively. The project will have 2 major components, the first of which is to develop an efficient thermal […]

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Transcritical CO2 Pulverization

Crushing and grinding rock is the largest consumer of energy at a mining operation. Breaking rock by expansion within is a lower energy process than crushing or impact from outside, since rock tensile strength is significantly lower than rock compressive strength. This research intends to explore and develop a novel method for rock comminution using […]

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Developing and evaluating multi-functional rain gardens

Rain gardens are shallow planted depressions in the ground that infiltrate, and evaporate urban rainwater. They are a kind of green infrastructure that provide an alternative to putting polluted urban runoff into the storm sewer system. The researchers will build and test new designs and installation methods for rain gardens. The new designs will incorporate […]

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Synthesis of Fluorinated Cannabinoids

The recent legalization of marijuana has sparked renewed interest in studying the health benefits of the non-psychoactive cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBO, 1, Figure 1) has emerged as a promising medicinal candidate due to its potential for the treatment of anxiety, and chronic pain. In 2018, the first CBD-containing drug, Epidio1ex, was approved by the FDA for […]

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British Columbia – A History

British Columbia – A History is a 4-part documentary television series and an interactive online historical timeline of the past 150+ years of BC history that will be comprised of interviews, archives and news research that will explore methods of historical recreation and knowledge production by incorporating an inclusive and multi-narrative approach to major historical […]

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Extensive post treatment monitoring project: barrier remediation on salmonid streams in British Columbia

Out-dated culverts are the most numerous barriers to fish movement and habitat connectivity in British Columbia, barring juvenile salmonids from thousands of kilometers of freshwater rearing habitat. The Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) has untaken an initiative to strategically remediate culverts in B.C. for improved juvenile salmon habitat access. However, the impacts and restoration requirements of […]

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Research into Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Explainability

Machine Learning is advancing at an astounding rate. It is powered by complex models such as deep neural networks (DNNs). These models have a wide range of real-world applications, in fields like Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and others. But Machine Learning is not without some serious limitations and drawbacks. The most serious […]

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Insecurity of tenure as a lesser known health and wellbeing crisis: Health and wellbeing perspectives of young families and children living without security of tenure

Major cities in Canada and across the world are undergoing housing crises that are pushing its vulnerable residents into housing insecurity. Security of tenure is a lesser-known and researched element that contributes to housing insecurity and its negative health and wellbeing impacts. To ensure the positive health and wellbeing outcomes of cities’ families and their […]

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Monitoring and Suppression of Smallmouth Bass in Cultus Lake, BC

The goal of the project is to mitigate the impacts to valuable salmonids from invasive smallmouth bass (SMB) in Cultus Lake through suppression and monitoring. The project will benefit both the sport fishing industry and endangered species, by suppressing predation from SMB and controlling further imbalances in predator-prey relationships. We will use methods such as […]

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Eng/aging and HIV: Knowledge Exchange Between Administrative Data Project and Aging Individuals with HIV/AIDS in British Columbia

To an unprecedented degree in the history of HIV/AIDS, people with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) are aging largely owing to the success of treatment. As a relatively new phenomenon, research on HIV/AIDS and aging is only just emerging, and remains largely epidemiological in focus. One leading epidemiological study called COAST comes from the B.C. Centre for Excellence […]

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Natural products for Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) pest management

Spotted Wing Drosophila is an aggressive invasive pest that is high research and management priority for the BC and Canadian berry and small fruit industry. Spotted Wing Drosophila can substantially reduce crop yields despite heavy uses of chemical insecticides, which in some cases can be harmful to the environment and human health. Botanical extracts from […]

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