Genetic mapping and characterization of loci controlling resistance to powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum) in Cannabis sativa

High quality Cannabis sativa varieties are needed in Canada since the legalization of recreational Cannabis in fall of 2018. Unfortunately, powdery mildew, caused by the fungi Golovinomyces cichoracearum is a major disease of cultivated cannabis. We propose using high-throughput genotyping tools to map new resistance genes to this pathogen. Our approach will include genome wide […]

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Best Practice Framework for Healthcare Innovation Infrastructure, Implementation and Learning Campus

This study focuses on identifying best practices to guide the development of the PHC healthcare innovation and learning campus. PHC and the UBC research team seeks to build a design structure matrix (DSM) to inform the PHC about governance, key process, organizing structures, operating practices, intellectual property (IP), partnering approaches, partnership agreements, and implementation plans […]

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Optimizing acclimatization of in-vitro produced Cannabis genotypes for enhanced survival and long-term performance

Micropropagation is a technique widely used in agriculture to rapidly produce genetically identical stock plants that are free from plant diseases. The recent legalization of Cannabis in Canada has prompted the need for licensed producers to access genetically stable plant material that produces a consistent yield and chemical profile. Micropropagation is a solution to replace […]

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Modeling of membrane fatigue in fuel cells

Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells are a clean source of energy and a promising candidate for replacing internal combustion engines in automotive applications. However, the commercial use of fuel cells in such applications faces significant challenges on cost and durability. This project aims to address the concerns around fuel cell durability with a focus on […]

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COOL WORLD:Researching the intersections of community collaboration, technology, and social justice

This research project will examine the how digital networking technologies that use geo-targeted data can be used for social movement building. The project will analyze how grassroots community engagement can be optimized for online networks and digital technologies, and will engage with artists and activists who do this work, in a participatory relationship, in order […]

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A Novel Treatment for Emphysema by Radiofrequency in Rodents and Large Animals

Emphysema, a lung disease that millions of Canadians currently suffer from, has few safe and non-invasive options available. One of the features of emphysema is the lack of proper blood flow in the diseased lungs and this results in poor gas exchange. IKOMED Technologies Inc. has been developing a new technology that has the potential […]

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Key standards, Industry Best Practices, Future Development for Cyber Security Strategy on BC Hydro’s Industrial Control Systems

Cyber security is fundamental to guarantee the reliable operation of the electric power systems. As the energy industry migrates to the digital space with information and communication technology (ICT), managing the electricity delivery is becoming complex and increasingly dependent on industrial control systems (ICS). The heavy reliance on ICT and the rapid penetration of ICS […]

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Automobile Purchasing Behaviorial Data Collection, Management, and Analysis

This project investigates automobile purchasing behavior of female millennials. In order to achieve the goal of understanding and making use of purchasing behavior, data are to be collected, managed, and analyzed. In addition to using existing data and third-party data, two major tasks of data collection are the use of questionnaire and web crawling to […]

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Translation for educational change: Translator identity and the Global Storybooks project

Our research seeks to better understand challenges that translators encounter in translating stories for the diverse sites on the Global Storybooks portal (, and how they resolve these challenges. We will draw on our existing database of translation data to investigate how translators draw on a range of linguistic resources to achieve a satisfactory representation […]

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The real world of environmental pollutants: New approaches to identifying priority contaminants in the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale food web

The Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW, Orcinus orca) population is assessed at 73 individuals, and significant threats include high levels of endocrine disrupting contaminants, alongside other anthropogenic threats. Studies have painted a partial picture of the contaminants of concern in the SRKW food web. For example, preliminary studies of chinook salmon suggest that some resident […]

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The function of estuarine habitat in the life history of juvenile ChinookSalmon: physical habitat, prey availability, and their relationship to fishbehaviour.

Estuaries are important to juvenile salmon as they transition to the ocean from their natal streams; however, a significant portion of estuary habitat has been lost in North America due to urban development. This loss of habitat has likely played a role in the decline of salmon populations throughout the Pacific Coast of North America. […]

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