Novel sensing and actuating technology for gaseous fuel systems

The participants listed below confirm that the information presented accurately reflects their intention to apply to the Mitacs Accelerate program. The participants have also agreed to set in place an internship based upon the attached proposal. The participants acknowledge that they have read, understood and agreed to abide by and uphold the Project Responsibilities applicable […]

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Blockchain-based data integrity verification scheme for cloud storage

With the development of information technology, people’s requirements for computing storage capacity are also increasing. And cloud storage is an important part of the system architecture for implementing cloud platform. Although many studies believe that cloud platforms provide a reliable and secure data storage center, the security problem is still the main problem in cloud […]

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A comparative study of microwave-assisted rock fragmentation versus other explosive-free rock breakage technologies

The conventional mining method relies on drilling into a mass of rock, filling the holes with explosive materials, and blasting them. This process leads to extracting the valuable minerals out of mines. But blasting operation can cause several environmental issues like dust generation, ground vibration and so force. Additionally, there are some rich resources that […]

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Deep-Learning for Distributed Intelligent Systems with Applications in Robotics and Computer Vision

Agile manufacturing via adaptive robots is the provision of Industry 4.0 for advanced manufacturing that enables more efficient, lean and cost-effective production. It is considered to be the ultimate solution for mass customization of many manufacturing industries such as aerospace industry hindered by their heavy reliance on manual labor. The current practice of programming a […]

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Development of MCT4-targeting small molecule inhibitors for management of castration-resistant prostate cancer

Late-stage, therapy-resistant prostate cancer (PCa) remains a difficult-to-treat disease that urgently needs better therapeutics. Advanced PCa cells use glucose (sugar) differently than normal cells, substantially increasing lactic acid secretion into the surrounding environment. This supports cancer growth in numerous important ways, including helping PCa avoiding destruction by the patient’s immune system. One critical protein involved […]

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Probabilistic mapping of wetland ecosystems and connectivity in the Okanagan Basin to support wetland conservation and restoration

In the Okanagan Basin region of British Columbia, urbanization, agriculture, and land-use change have contributed to extensive wetland loss. Currently, an estimated 1% of historic wetlands remain in the Okanagan which support numerous fauna and flora not found elsewhere in this arid region. However, a single comprehensive inventory of wetlands has not been undertaken in […]

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Winter Ecology of Chinook Salmon in the Canadian Salish Sea

Chinook Salmon are a species of high ecological, economic and cultural value in BC. Recent declines in Chinook Salmon abundance have highlighted a need to understand factors controlling their productivity. One hypothesis suggests that the first winter in the ocean plays a critical role in controlling Chinook Salmon survival, and in turn, abundance. Little research […]

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Insight into killer whale habitat quality

British Columbia’s (BC) resident killer whales are listed under the Species At Risk Act as ‘threatened’ and ‘endangered’ for the northern and southern residents, respectively. Contaminants have been recognized as one of the main threats affecting the survival and recovery of these populations. This project will look at the levels of contaminants of concern in […]

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Scaling up remote camera surveys to inform human-wildlife coexistence

Protecting healthy populations of wild animals is an important goal for British Columbians and all Canadians. Wildlife provide important economic, ecological, and cultural values, yet are increasingly under threat from a range of impacts, including land use change, overharvest, climate change, and growing recreational pressure on our parks. A key challenge facing wildlife managers is […]

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