Assessing the validity of virtual simulation as a learning tool in the medical field.

With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices, it is unsurprising that they are also being adapted for use as tools for learning and perfecting complex procedures. One of these uses is training health care providers through simulated medical procedures. Two important points should be considered when designing simulated systems to assess the efficacy and efficiency […]

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Statistical and Physiological Beat Modelling of Seismocardiogram Signal

“Seismocardiogram (SCG) is a signal that is captured by placing an accelerometer on the human chest. This signal captures very important timing information such as opening and closing of the heart valves. In addition to these timing information, the non-invasive nature of this signal makes it an attractive solution for remote monitoring of patients with […]

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Advancing Visualization for Mobile E-Commerce Clickstream Data

We propose to design and build an advanced visual analytics tool to support the analysis of large-scale e-commerce datasets. This data is generated by software platforms that collect information about the performance of e-commerce systems, consumer behaviour, and messages sent by retailers to consumers. Current e-commerce tools provide only simple overview statistics because of the […]

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Controlling microbial processes in fracing fluids

Unconventional gas reservoirs are a great energy resource in the province of BC and Alberta and thus for Canada in general. Extracting this resource is not as straight forward as conventional gas reservoirs and requires hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracing or fracking, which has recently become a controversial topic in the public eye. This […]

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Segment-based Fleet Management System for Semi Real-Time Analysis

Traditional fleet management systems suffer from zone-based aggregation. i.e. they use aggregate zone-level road and terrain characteristics to estimate trip performance indicators. In addition, most of these systems require intermediate ad-hoc staging tables to generate trip performance reports. To address these limitations, this research aims at developing a segment-based fleet management system for near real-time […]

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Utilization of Asparaginase-expressing yeast for the treatment of leukemia

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) is a common form of leukemia that affects approximately 3 people per 100,000 individuals, and is the most common form of cancer in children and adolescents. Current therapies are effective in children, however, treatment success in infants, adolescents, and adults needs improvement. Indeed, there is a need for new chemotherapeutic drugs […]

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Intelligent Residential Energy Management Utility Controller

To research, design, and develop a network communication and control modules that integrate any residential HAVC control system with a utility energy management user interface. Developed signal modulation scheme will be implemented on development testing board. Device will network with all utilities for gas, water, and electricity.

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Unmanned Air Vehicles: Conformal Antenna and Shape Sensing in Flexible Aeroservoelastic Flight Demonstrators

QUATERNION has partnered with BOEING USA on a flight validation and evaluation program using Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) to identify the operational system that replaces the 900MHz Autopilot Whip Antenna, integration of the printed antenna system into the UAS and related connectorization, fiber optic and strain gauge instrumentation in support of the shape prediction system […]

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Preparation of a new formulation to prevent surgical adhesions

Inter-tissue adhesions cause significant complications following veterinary surgery of domesticated animals. Fucoidans are natural, negatively charged, carbohydrate polymers (polysaccharides) from seaweeds that have been successfully developed and commercialized for reducing such adhesions, thereby improving surgical outcomes. Currently, the inherent variability in the molecular size and composition of native fucoidans extracted from seaweed presents a significant […]

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Evaluating the effectiveness of real time image filtering in multi-platform live broadcasting and interactive VR installations as means for artistic expression

There are several platforms that allow users to share real time video with the public. However, these platforms lack the tools that would allow creative professionals to create artistic video compositions extemporaneously. Our prior research assessed the potential for artistic expression within live video broadcasting by developing and integrating new creative tools within the Generate […]

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Study of the Catalytic Effect of MFD on CuFeS2 Leaching

Bio-heap-leaching is a hydrometallurgical process used to process low grade chalcopyrite ore as the cost of alternative routes of processing and refining are not economically viable. The limitation however of the heap leaching process is the long time it takes to leach the metal and the low total recovery that can be achieved. As heap […]

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