Embedding a Climate Change videogame in High Schools: Towards a Teacher’s Guide for Engaging Students with a Place-based Videogame – Future Delta 2.0

At the moment, BC has no comprehensive climate change curriculum in high schools, and educators lack coordinated materials to support its teaching. In an effort to narrow this gap, the Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning (CALP) at the Faculty of Forestry, UBC partnered with the Delta School District, to develop an educational and compelling videogame […]

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Visual Analytics for Interactive Exploration and Monitoring of Consumer Health Data at Molecular You Corporation (MYCO)

The business of Molecular You Inc. (MYCO) is to provide a comprehensive Personalized Medicine bioinformatic and health monitoring program for disease prevention, detection, and treatment that integrates “omics“ data with behavioral, and environmental data for customers and their caregivers. This project is part of a larger initiative that “seeks to innovate in the way people […]

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Operational analysis and optimization of the delivery of HIV treatment and care in Vancouver

The continuum of HIV care is highly complex. It includes prevention, testing, patient care, treatment, and support services. This project will help Providence Health Care utilise its limited resources to provide the best treatment and care for people living with HIV in Vancouver. Care for HIV patients includes antiretroviral therapy, treatment of co-morbidities, monitoring clinical […]

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An exploration of community-organised social enterprise in the development of local food system infrastructure

This research will explore how community organised social entrepreneurship and enterprise can be used to build and strengthen local food systems in the Capital Region of British Columbia. It will ask questions about how effective social entrepreneurship could be in developing warehousing, distribution and processing services that are compatible in scale and quality with community-based […]

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Power transducer improvement for Etalim TAC heat engine

Etalim is a Canadian high technology company developing a breakthrough heat engine generating electricity from any fuel or heat source. The Etalim TAC (Thermal Acoustic Converter) is a unique technology that converts any high temperature gradient to electricity, with high efficiency (20%-30%) and simplicity. The TAC represents a unique class of device that combines principles […]

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Framework for dialogue and learning with parents and professionals in the Central Okanagan; an examination of learning (related to stigmatization) across relations of power

This research will create opportunities for reflection and dialogue with a group of professionals in the Central Okanagan regarding parents’ perceptions and experiences of stigmatization. Dialogue will focus on enhancing professionals’ understanding of underlying structural and social factors contributing to stigmatization and the implications of this understanding for their practice. The research draws from Participatory […]

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Deep learning for tooth wear monitoring of mining shovels

The main objective of this project is using deep learning algorithm to enhance the current state of the art tooth wear monitoring system used in mining shovels. Unlike the current approach, the proposed deep learning method operates by building a model from input images in order to make data-driven predictions. We use deep learning approach […]

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Duplicate detection for billing systems

Merging different sub-companies into TELUS caused some of customer records to be repeated through the merged data-set. Algorithms are needed to determine the duplicate records. Currently a deterministic algorithm is being used in TELUS. In this project, we will investigate if machine learning can help to detect duplicates. Solving this problem has several parts. We […]

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Establishing baseline heart rate variability profiles for exercise prescription and health monitoring among Special Olympics athletes

The change in the time intervals between adjacent heartbeats is known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV). The HRV of a well-conditioned heart is generally large at rest, whereas low HRV has been associated with adverse outcomes/conditions, including congestive heart failure, diabetic neuropathy, depression, and hospital admissions. As beat-to-beat variation is desirable, there has been considerable […]

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Synthetic Routes to ATA and Related Derivatives

The complement system is an essential component of innate immunity, but also causes self-damage when the system is aberrantly activated or self-protective capacity is exceeded. There are many conditions where failure to protect against self-damage from the complement system has been implicated in the pathology, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, paroxysmal nocturnal […]

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Biomarkers of Spinal Cord Injury

In this project, we will establish biomarkers that objectively reflect the severity of injury, measure its progression, and predict neurologic outcome after acute spinal cord injury (SCI). This will be accomplished by comprehensively analyzing blood and spinal fluid samples from acute SCI patients. In addition, we will conduct a parallel experimental study in a large […]

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Monitoring the genetic health and structure of Grizzly bear populations in British Columbia to inform ecotourism and resource management

Grizzly bears represent a valuable economic, ecological, cultural and symbolic resource for British Columbia. In order to preserve this resource the current population of brown bears needs to be monitored to ensure the health of the population. One marker of health is the genetic health of the population. Genetic monitoring can also tell us important […]

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