Building Information Modeling Enabled Dependency Risk Analysis for Resilient Building Design and Operation

This project integrates building information models (BIM) with RiskLogik’s proprietary risk and resilience solutions to progress the design of complex buildings. This is accomplished by supporting the improved design of the interrelationships between building systems, such as mechanical, electrical, communications, and security systems and the operations that reside within the buildings. As a result, performance […]

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Improving usage pattern quality by comparing different sequential pattern mining methods and the effect of considering additional user information

Frequent usage patterns generated can provide valuable information for several applications such as platform restructuring and recommendation. In this project, we aim to compare different practical methods, and to investigate the effect of user identity and user intention information on them. To that end, a technique and a framework need to be developed, in which […]

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Developing Prediction Models on London Stock Exchange (LSE) Equitiesand Indicies using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and Data Mining

I am to import ten year’s worth of amassed historical data on news events, price movement of equities and public sentiment metrics to Microsoft Azure platform for study and analysis through the latest Data Mining techniques with an Economics point of view to uncover the hidden correlation and casualty between events and price movement of […]

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Foundation design system for FortisBC’s power poles

Traditional design method for the foundation of the transmission poles simply assigns a standard set of depths based on the length and diameter of poles. Although, this method has proven to be conservative and reliable, but it does not incorporate site-specific soil properties, water table, and weather conditions in its calculations. As a result, a […]

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An Evaluation of the Sam Sullivan Disability Foundation

The Sam Sullivan Disability Foundation (SSDF) is a fundraising entity supporting six not-for-profit societies that provide opportunities for social engagement for people with disabilities. The six societies provide design opportunities for accessibility solutions; connect people with employment, training, and social opportunities in the community; and make sailing, music, gardening, and the great outdoors more accessible. […]

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100 Islands: Elucidating connections between land and ocean ecosystems

Informed decisions on resource management and development require an understanding of how projects will impact the resource, other resources, and the ecosystem. Because the ocean and land are intricately connected along coastal areas, development projects in either will invariably affect the other. However, Ecological Risk Assessments do not consider the two in tandem because the […]

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Respirable Crystalline Silica: A Risk Assessment Tool for the Construction Sector

Silica is a known lung carcinogen and causes silicosis, an irreversible fibrotic lung disease. RCS is a major problem in the construction sector because of the high content of silica in construction materials. New tools are needed to help the construction industry in recognition, evaluation and control of RCS. The intern will develop an on-line […]

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Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Relations in Canada

This project will create a timeline that traces the development of Canada though moments that are significant in Indigenous peoples’ relationship with non-Indigenous Canadians. From information available through historical archives and sources, the intern will identify key moments in Canada’s history that have shaped relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people such as the establishment of […]

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Large Consumer-Generated Data Optimization and Prediction

The proposed research aims to target large-scale consumer-generated data to analyze, visualize, and make predictions out of. The data will be collected from the consumers to make assessments on their lifestyles, and will come in forms such as heart-rate variance, that is, being temporal data. Researchers with visual analytics background will apply new visualization techniques […]

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Web-based mobile mental health technology in an acute care setting

The use of mobile technology is on the rise including access to mental health-related applications and websites. There is a wealth of information available and numerous intervention strategies focused on treatment and support for mental health concerns. However, inpatient psychiatry often discourages patients’ use of electronic technologies and web-accessible mobile phones. The proposed study involves […]

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In-silico identification of driver alterations and prediction of therapeutics targeting actionable drivers in prostate cancer

Cancer arises as a result of deleterious aberrations in the DNA, RNA and proteins of cells. The accumulation of genetic abnormalities, over lifetime, perturbs critical functions of cells, which may ultimately give rise to tumor. However, vast majority of these aberrations are not essential and only small fractions, known as “driver” genes, are critical for […]

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Sustainable Urban Development: Homebuyer Expectations and Implementation Challenges

The main objective of this research project is to synthesize and evaluate the published and grey literatures on consumer perceptions of green real estate development and sustainable community design features. Current research on homebuyers perceptions, priorities, motivations, and willingness-to-pay has yet to be consolidated. The complex nature of these topics scatters research across several disciplinary […]

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