Integration and Application of Microlens Arrays within Heads-Up Displays

Recon Instruments Inc. is a Canadian company, founded in 2008, that is based out of Vancouver, BC. Recon develops technologies to incorporate displays into eyewear. The company recently released a Heads-Up Display for snowboarding goggles and they have had great success with it. They have sold more than 40,000 of the units. The proposed project […]

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Design and Implementation of Real-Time Platform for Beehive Monitoring and A Mite Extraction System

As one of the oldest forms of agriculture, apiculture (i.e. beekeeping) plays an essential role in contributing to people’s livelihoods and the survival of the environment. However, beekeepers are faced with challenges such as Colony Collapse Disorders (CCD), swarming (queen bee leaving with the majority of the worker bees), and queen loss. Unfortunately a constant […]

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Can Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) developments in Northwestern BC contribute to social and financial sustainability in First Nations communities?

This thesis seeks to investigate initiatives that address the enhancement of benefits to indigenous people in northwestern BC while minimizing socioeconomic effects from LNG construction phase developments through to operations. Detailed education, training, employment, housing, health, mobility and business aspirations data and information from one community provides an example of the necessary detailed information is […]

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GPN-EMV: Emulation and visualization of game private networks and game servers performance

Proprietary technology developed by WTFast allows global network services to distribute and manage the load for massive multiplayer games despite their logically centralized architecture. In the proposed project, we plan to evaluate this architecture and the potential for predictability and scalability of the server and ”arbiter” components. Another goal is to utilize the infrastructure created […]

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Multi-dimensional wellbeing: Examining how financial, social, health, and environmental factors interactively determine subjective wellbeing

Maintaining a high level of subjective wellbeing (SWB) is critical to a happy and productive life. To achieve happiness, it is important to know what factors determine SWB. So far, a number of factors have been identified, including income, social relationships, physical health, and the environment. However, it is currently unknown how these factors interact […]

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Video Cloaking

The goal of this project is to build a system which hides extra data within a video transmission. With only a minor or non-perceptible degradation in the quality of the transmitted video, another lower rate video or other data payload can be sent over the same channel as the primary video. The usefulness of the […]

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Informing the Conservation and Management of Pacific Herring on Canada’s West Coast

The complexity of movement and behaviour in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) stocks targeted by commercial and indigenous fisheries in BC is poorly understood and often discounted in fisheries management policies, possibly contributing to recent stock declines. We propose to inform spatial management strategies for herring on the central coast of BC with (I) local knowledge […]

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Investigating the Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms on Adiabatic Quantum Solvers Year Two

Machine learning is an active field of research and development to provide tools and technologies for finding significant patterns in data. Behind every face detection and face recognition software in digital cameras or social network websites a constantly under-development machine learning algorithm is working. Nowadays in any practical applications of machine learning we have to […]

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Restoration Research on Kelp Forest Habitats in the Salish Sea

Kelp beds are marine sanctuaries, providing some of the most productive ecosystems on the planet and serving as critical habitat and refuge for many species, including juvenile salmon. Recently, declines in kelp populations have been reported by several groups including fisherman and kelp harvesters in the Pacific Northwest. However, the extent and cause of this […]

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