Integrating high resolution remote sensing of multi-scale hydrogeomorphology into long-term river management

Large northward-flowing boreal rivers are an important hydroelectric resource, but effects of river regulation on downstream geomorphology and aquatic ecosystems are difficult to predict. Peace River, BC presents an ideal case study of river response to regulation, with continuous monitoring since dam construction in 1967. However, current understanding of system changes is based mainly on […]

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Predicting noise impact on fish communities in the western Canadian Arctic using Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Several fish species produce species-specific sounds that can be identified in the wild using Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) (i.e. dataloggers configured with underwater microphones). Our project will use existing and new PAM recordings to monitor the distribution of several fish species in the western Canadian Arctic, with particular focus on a keystone Arctic species, the […]

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Development of in operando characterization methods for lithium ion battery materials

The successful commercialization of new cathode materials for lithium ion batteries requires an improved and detailed understanding of the correlations between their structure, properties, and performance. Such a correlation will provide a foundation for better understanding the degradation mechanisms and optimized operating conditions for these cathode materials; pairing new battery materials with ideal applications and […]

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Developing Tools to Track Vocalizing Marine Mammals with Long Baseline Hydrophone Arrays

The scope of this project is to use acoustic data from long-baseline arrays of hydrophones to detect, locate, and track marine mammals based on their vocalization. Specifically, the project aims to assess methods and develop automated tracking algorithms that provide accurate results for individual signals, and a maximum of flexibility regarding the channel, array, and […]

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Investigation of heavy metal bioavailability and bioaccesibility in SierraSil® mineral complex and its impacts on inflammation and bioavailability of other medications and natural health products

This study will provide the information about the in vitro bioavailability of As and Pb in SierraSil® at the first time and validate the possible product specific bioaccessibility method that can be used to predict bioavailability. This study will first compare the mineral composition of SierraSil® after acid and alkaline digestion, thus it is possible […]

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Characterizing microflora composition during the spontaneous fermentation of cassava flour

Quejos Ancient Foods (QAF) Inc. manufactures a line of dough-based food products that are gluten-free, grain-free, yeast-free, sugar-free. The dough is made from cassava flour, which has high concentration of carbohydrates and is rich in micronutrients. Traditionally, the cassava flour undergoes fermentation without the addition of yeast before the dough is made, and this process […]

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Understanding collaborative community-based mental health services for adults 50 and over in the South Okanagan through an environmental scan and social network analysis

Mental health is an important health issue. Adults 50 and over with a mental health concern, particularly in rural communities have unique challenges. In the South Okanagan, research found there was a lack of community services/supports available and organizations offering these services and supports did not work well together. The aim of this study is […]

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Developing Strategic Planning Tools to Support Forest Industry Transformation

Much of the management theory taught in today’s classrooms is focused on consumer-based, growth businesses rather than natural resource-based, cyclical industries. This study will examine how natural resource industries, such as forestry, recognize and adapt to structural (permanent) challenges in their market environment. The research will have three main components: first, using publically available information […]

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Social cartographies of initiatives of social transformation

Social transformation requires a deep understanding of the cultural, economic and historical forces and flows that connect peoples, places, and world views, and of the difficulties of intervening in complex, dynamic systems. This research project uses the methodology of social cartography to map diverse (and potentially conflicting) interests, ambitions and orientations of socially engaged communities […]

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Automation of Natural Fibre Properties Analyses

With increasing interest in the use of natural fibres, quality characterization is needed to provide benchmarks and uniform standards in order to use the abundance of natural fibre products in niche and higher value markets. Natural fibres are inexpensive, biodegradable and leave no waste, and are sustainable and readily available throughout Canada. By utilizing natural […]

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Efficient Implementation of IDA for Evaluating Seismic Response of Tall Buildings

One of the primary goals in tall building codes and standards is to protect life safety of inhabitants during earthquakes. Several methodologies have been proposed to achieve a proper performance of buildings. In this proposal, a recent method is applied using a series of nonlinear dynamic analyses under an appropriate suite of ground motion records. […]

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Development of a Compact Muon Detector

Have you ever wondered what is underground below your feet? In this project, the intern will work at CRM Geotomography Technologies on developing a compact detector that will make it possible to construct 3D images of underground structures. The concept is similar to an X-ray, except that naturally occurring particles called atmospheric muons are used […]

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