Determining Aboriginal and Treaty Right Impacts in Regulatory Processes

This project will consider how impacts on Aboriginal and Treaty rights have been addressed in Environmental Impact Assessments and other regulatory processes in BC and Alberta. The impacts being assessed include destruction of areas important for hunting, fishing, trapping, or spiritual purposes, as well as prohibitions to accessing these and other types of important areas. […]

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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Training in Mobile Applications

This project aims to use literature evidences and data analysis techniques to develop new mobile games that train people’s “emotional intelligence”. The company will build the product prototypes based on current literature evidences and theoretical models. Then the data generated from the games will be evaluated to inform product performance, efficacy, and future developments. This […]

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Dolmen: Towards the programmatic assembly of large-scale distributed systems

Modern distributed applications are becoming increasing large and complex. They often bring together independently developed sub-systems (e.g., for storage, batch processing, streaming, application logic, logging, caching) into large, geo-distributed and heterogeneous architectures. Combining, configuring, and deploying these architectures is a difficult and multifaceted task: individual services have their own requirements, configuration spaces, programming models, distribution […]

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Testing of Offshore Wind Turbine Positional Controller

A previous mathematical model of an offshore wind turbine was established and then, a positional controller was designed and simulated for a single Wind Turbine in order to provide movement around an area using the force of air that acts on the wind turbine. The goal of my research project is to validate this Position […]

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Combining telemetry and mark-recapture models to manage a mixed stock fishery

In 1995, proportions of several stocks of Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) began to enter the Fraser River system early to spawn creating uncertainty in mortality and spawning abundance estimates. This has created large problems for fisheries management in their attempt to protect less abundant stocks. To address this issue, Fisheries and Oceans Canada […]

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Intracellular growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: prospects for drug discovery

The success of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the infectious agent of tuberculosis (TB), lies in its ability to primarily infect, reside, and multiply in the lungs of patients. Mtb infects white blood cells termed alveolar macrophages and hides from the host immune response as well as from many antibiotics used for treatment, creating additional challenges for […]

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Enhancing Software Lifecycle Visibility and Traceability

Teams of specialized workers develop most software. For example, one team may specialize in the requirements that describe what the software is to do. Another team may specialize in producing the software itself. Yet another team may specialize in determining whether the software meets the desired requirements. Supporting communication between all these teams is challenging: […]

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Roche Lake Eutrophication study

Roche Lake is the Roche Lake is the largest lake among 12 highly productive water bodies in the Thomson-Nicola region of BC’s southern Interior Plateau. It has experienced algal blooms over the past four years indicating a change in nutrient loadings to the lake. Roche Lake suffered a winterkill of more than 50% of fish […]

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Screening of natural compounds for their anti-glycation activity on collagen fibrils using biochemical and biomechanical assays

Since the beginning of recorded time, humans have been developing ways to make themselves more beautiful or otherwise change their appearance. The hair-care industry itself has a huge global economic power: its estimated total value is $47B annually. However, beauty does not come without a price: methods currently being used for hair colouring and styling […]

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