Modeling Dune Roughness in a Large Sand-bedded River – Year two

Dunes are common bed features in large sand-bedded rivers and are significant sources of in-channel roughness. Reliably estimating roughness is crucial for the prediction of flood flows, but roughness is crudely represented in hydraulic models widely used by environmental consultants and engineers. Roughness is treated as a calibration knob in these models, adjusted to force […]

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Exploring Small Vessel Interactions with Cetaceans in the Salish Sea

Small vessel interactions with cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in the Salish Sea is poorly understood. This is of concern as vessel impacts, such as acoustic impacts and behavioural disturbances, have been categorized as a key threat to the recovery of various cetacean species. To minimize vessel impacts on cetacean species, the Canadian Department of […]

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Link Prediction on Knowledge Graphs with Graph Neural Networks

Knowledge graphs store facts using relations between pairs of entities. In this work, we address the question of link prediction in knowledge graphs. Our general approach broadly follows neighborhood aggregation schemes such as that of Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN), which in turn was motivated by spectral graph convolutions. Our proposed model will aggregate information from […]

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Experimental investigation of allowable engineering properties of regular and composite glulam columns

Structurlam Mass Timber Corporation (SMTC) is a renowned Canadian company for its quality mass timber products and ability to fabricate complex design. The company developed a new type of composite glulam as a structural element. Extensive experimental investigation in collaboration with Dr. Alam and Mr. Peng at UBCO revealed the future potential of this composite […]

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Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Service failure in Supply Chain

Despite advanced supply chain planning and execution systems, manufacturers and distributors tend to observe service levels below their targets. This can be explained by unexpected deviations from the plan or systems that are not properly configured. Quite often it is too expensive to have planners continually track all situations in supply chain systems at a […]

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Advanced Applied Probabilistic Programming

Autonomous cars are one example of a compelling next-generation artificial intelligence technology. In order to safely navigate through the world, cars must plan long-range routes and short-range paths, perceive the world around them, and act according to a safety-first policy that takes into account the intent of agents in their surrounding world. While not strictly […]

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Using wearable sensor-based technologies to detect changes in health status for prevention of adverse health events and to improve overall quality of life – Year two

The project goal is to determine the clinical utility of Orpyx LogR technology to detect gait changes and their efficacy to predict and monitor fall risk. Project I will use existing data to determine sensitivity and specificity for prospective classification of fallers and non-fallers for a composite measure drawn from an extensive battery including single […]

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End of Life Studies of Coated Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries

Electric vehicles have been adopted around the world as an alternative to combustion engine vehicles. It has been a focus for academic and industry research efforts to develop battery materials with reduced cobalt, but the removal of cobalt comes at a cost. Reduced cobalt often decreases the stability of these materials. Further improvements to the […]

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Microwave Sensors Packaging for Liquid Materials Characterization in Harsh Environments

Industrial processes are continuously evolving to reduce environmental pollution, save energy, and remain economically competitive. In order to achieve these goals and optimize industrial processes such as combustion in cars and airplanes, or drilling in downhole oil extraction wells, the processes parameters need to be accurately monitored and effectively analyzed. Sensors are able to transduce […]

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Design of foot orthosis with customized variable stiffness structure using 3D printing techniques

There is a large need for custom orthotic insoles that meet user’s needs in terms of comfort, pressure distribution correction and impact absorption integrated a in more extensive and flexible way. The limited reliable control of these factors in current manufacturing processes has led to frequent orthotic adjustments, reduced device compliance, lowered effectiveness and increased […]

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Contactless Length Measurement System for Forestry Applications using Optical Flow

Current dangle-head processor measuring systems used in logging operations are prone to a number of problems including component wear and inaccuracies due to inconsistencies in bark thickness, density, and texture. This project aims to mitigate the majority of these issues by implementing a contactless measuring system that utilizes computer vision. With no moving parts, components […]

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2020 International Ice Hockey Federation Women’s World Championship: Legacy Development Project

The International Ice Hockey Federation’s (IIHF) Women’s World Championship tournament is the most significant women’s hockey event outside of the Winter Olympic Games. International events like this are often considered to bring benefits to the local sport community; however, research has systematically demonstrated that hosting alone will not guarantee a legacy. In order to deliver […]

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