Lively Web of Things (LWoT)

The term Web of Things (WoT) refers to the concept of integrating resources and interactions involving devices, data, and people on the web. WoT features interactions as first class entities above and beyond traditional web resources and, thus, enabling applications with substantial context awareness, personalization, and automation. Lively is a new open source approach to […]

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Business Intelligence and Recommendation for Samsung Knox Community Forum

Companies usually use private forums to share sensitive information and discuss strategies. Valuable business knowledge is hidden inside the user generated content in these forums and waiting to be extracted and reused. Knox Community Forum, a thriving private forum inside Samsung where employers from all around the world post content like win notices of deals, […]

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Urban Economic Innovation Lab – Phase 1

Vancouver’s inner city is experiencing disproportionate levels of poverty and is under strong development pressure, with concern that few of the associated benefits are being captured by local communities and economies. An appetite exists for innovation in economic development but current community capacity to explore and support these ideas is limited. RADIUS SFU and Ecotrust […]

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Ulkatcho integrated resource utilization and business planning

The Ulkatcho First Nation is being empowered by the provincial government to take more control over its socio and economic affairs. One critical parts of the transitioning is for the Ulkatcho First Nation to manage their forest resources and operate forest related, manufacturing and energy businesses. The Yun Ka Whu’ten Development LP will be an […]

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Assessing Economic, Policy, and Institutional Barriers to Successful Forest Restoration in the Interior Douglas-fir Zone

This research project will explore what barriers — economics, policy, or otherwise — exist to restoring unhealthy Douglas-fir forests in central British Columbia. These forests have reached a state where it is currently not feasible for timber companies to make any profit from harvesting timber in those stands, which only serves to worsen the problem. […]

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Factors Affecting Smallholder Farmers’ Decisions to AdoptAgroecology: the Case of Agri-Environmental Incentives in Brazil

Agricultural production is a primary contributor to some of the key environmental issues of our time: climate change, biodiversity loss, and the degradation of land and water. At the same time, agriculture is remains inextricably linked to the livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers. To address these interconnected social and environmental issues, the Brazilian government’s […]

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Socio-cultural Impact Management in Mexico’s Marine Protected Areas

network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). My research will include case studies on two Mexican MPAs to examine what forms of impact assessment, monitoring, and management are taking place, as well as to investigate the perceived effectiveness of these methods by relevant community stakeholders. Using two MPA sites will allow me to compare how social […]

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Hyperspectral image analysis of skin erythema after radiation therapy

Acute skin erythema is a common side effect with patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment. It displays itself as an increase in skin redness and irritation. Erythema has been reported to correlate to individual patient response to radiation and therefore may be useful to guide and modify courses of treatment in a timely manner. Currently, upon visual […]

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Narrative Form and Visual Sequence: The New Photography in 1970s American Practice and 1980s French Discourse

My dissertation investigates the narrative photography emerged in the US around the 1970s and its influence on the formation of photographic discourse in France throughout the 1980s. By narrative photography, I refer to the photographic experiments that appropriate certain qualities of narrative forms, ranging from books to theater. With the financial support of Mitacs Globalink […]

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