Evaluation des impacts économiques du secteur de la technologie du Victoria métropolitain

L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est de cartographier VIATeC (le Victoria Advanced Technology Council), ses compagnies membres et le secteur de la technologie du Victoria métropolitain en général par rapport à son environnement stratégique actuel. Par une étude documentaire, des sondages, des entrevues et des groupes de discussion, le chercheur répondra aux questions suivantes […]

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Un électrocautère équipé d’un système d’évacuation de la fumée efficace et facile à utiliser pour le chirurgien

Les chirurgiens ont l’habitude d’utiliser un électrocautère pour retirer certains tissus indésirables, pour fermer et cautériser de petits vaisseaux qui saignent dans le tissu, ou pour pratiquer une incision chirurgicale. Mais la cautérisation de tissu engendre un panache de fumée qui contient d'éventuels carcinogènes issus de la carbonisation des protéines et du gras. Les tissus […]

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Optimisation de la gestion d’une flotte de vehicules de services specialises

L’objectif principal de ce rapport d’achevement est d’optimiser la gestion d’une flotte de vehicules de services specialises. Pour cela deux missions seront faites chez notre organisme partenaire. Premierement une analyse comparative des pieces OEM versus les pieces de marches secondaires (aftermarket) nous permettra de definir quelle est l’option la plus interresant en termes  de couts […]

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Assemblage et évolution de la structure de génomes anciens et actuels

Depuis tout temps, l’homme ne cesse de vouloir déterminer son origine. La phylogénie est la branche de la science s’intéressant à la reconstruction des liens de parentés. Depuis les années 60 et l’avénement de la biologie moléculaire, il est possible de reconstruire les liens de parentés non plus uniquement par les caractères morphologiques mais également […]

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Optimizing Forest Resource Management and Small Scale Wood Manufacturing – A case study with Chief Isaac Inc. business arm of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nations, Yukon Territory

Traditionally, the forest management practice in the Dawson City area (YT) has been clear-cut management, in which all trees of a given area are harvested. As the local First Nation (the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Nation) seek to become more involved in the management of the local resources, the opportunity has arisen to transition to an alternative […]

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Design and Innovation: Academic-In-Residence Project

This project builds upon two previous Mitacs Accelerate projects with Creative BC (CrBC). CrBC leads the economic development and promotion of BC’s creative industries. Recently CrBC and UBC PhD candidate, Angèle Beausoleil co-designed and delivered an innovative strategic plan involving 80 industry stakeholders. Angèle facilitated design sessions, observed the process, and proposed a new strategic […]

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UAV-assisted wireless communication system in remote areas

In Canada, less than 30% of the geography is covered by cellular systems. There are lots of human activities in these uncovered remote areas for either gaining nature resources or outdoor experience. In this scenario, the walkie talkie is the only and vital method helping people to build connection between each other, which can ensures […]

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Modeling and Optimization of the milling process of compressor rotors

Efficiency of rotary screw air compressors is highly dependent on the errors in the shape of their rotor profile caused by manufacturing errors. The current practice to determine these errors and compensate for them in the design stage involve an extensive amount of costly trials, which will not necessarily lead to an optimum design. In […]

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Developing solutions for safer harvesting techniques on steep terrain – Year two

The forest industry in British Columbia (BC) is facing increasingly difficult challenges regarding fibre supply. New winch-assist technology that enables fully mechanized ground-based forest harvesting on steep terrain has been increasingly used in BC since 2016. The new systems have improved safety and provide access to fibre that was previously uneconomic. New low-consumption small-size cable […]

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Characterization of floc properties in mineral tailings

Formation of aggregates and flocs from fine suspended particles is of great significance in industrial applications involving solid-liquid separation (dewatering) stages, whose objective is to clean and recycle water. Fine particles in waste suspensions are inherently difficult to remove from process water. As a result, a number of steps are taken to increase the size […]

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Immersive Visual Analytics for Large Industrial Data

We investigate new possibilities for industrial data visualization and analysis with the latest Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (AR/VR) technologies. In this cluster research, we will apply the state-of-art visual analytics methodologies to the forestry, manufacturing and mining industries, and evaluate the potential benefits for the newly introduced technologies. The research outcome may benefit industrial […]

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Towards a Theory of Blockchain as a Socio-Informational-Technical System

Blockchains operate as perhaps the most promising system of trust for any type of digital transaction of value — everything from cryptocurrencies to patient medical records. But a number of barriers — involving social institutions, data and identity management and technological processes — stand in the way of broader adoption. These challenges also ultimately speak […]

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