Evaluation of Mazzaella Japonica as a Food Additive for Ruminants – Year two

In collaboration between Thompson Rivers University (TRU) and Beaver Meadow Farms (BMF), we propose to investigate the invasive foreign red seaweed Mazzaella Japonica as a food additive for ruminant livestock, primarily cattle. BMF is a multi-faceted agricultural company based on northern Vancouver Island built around organic pasture-raised cattle but also the harvest of storm-cast Mazzaella […]

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Development of a Borehole Muon Detector for Muon Tomography – Year two

CRM Geotomography Technologies (CRM) has developed detectors that are able to measure cosmic ray muon particles underground. By measuring the rate at which these particles pass through the detectors, it is possible to reconstruct a three-dimensional map of the density of the earth’s subsurface above the detectors. This technique is called muon tomography. CRM’s detectors […]

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Spatial and Temporal Variability of Primary and Secondary Production in the Salish Sea from a Coupled Model (SalishSeaCast with SMELT) – Part 2

We have developed a model that simulates currents, nutrient distributions, and plankton growth in the Salish Sea. This project focuses on continued development of that model and its application to answering scientific questions. These questions include: 1) How much does the timing and amount of plankton growth vary from year to year, and what factors […]

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An Integrated Interface for a Mixed Reality Based Medical Education System

How to build a medical education ecosystem and improve the learning outcome? Currently a medical education system based on mixed reality is missing and bad user interfaces can leave students confused and struggling instead of learning efficiently. The goal of this project is to leverage mixed reality technology, develop a medical education system, and make […]

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Determination and characterization of plant fungi in greenhouse bell peppers

Bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) is one of the most profitable greenhouse vegetable crops in Canada. Over 12 million square feet of greenhouse has been established to cultivate bell peppers in British Columbia alone. In this project, Randhawa Farms Ltd. and University of British Columbia aim to collectively determine and characterization of fungal species in […]

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Implementation and strengthening of the community enhancement program to assess theneeds of different residents living at Brightside

The purpose of the project is to assess the housing, community engagement, and social inclusion needs and challenges faced by different residents, many of whom are older adults and are residents in Brightside Community Housing Foundation. Also known as Brightside. A mixed method approach (dempgrahic questionnaire, survey and focus group) will be used in this […]

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An Intelligent UAV System for Power Line and Utility Condition Assessment

This research project will develop an intelligent UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) system, which is capable of autonomous navigation, for the inspection of power lines and utility. The automated inspection is based on the technologies of computer vision and artificial intelligence. The UAV flies autonomously over the infrastructure capturing the images with high-definition RGB camera and […]

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Understanding mixed-severity fire regimes, their dynamics and their resilience to climate change in the southern Alberta Foothills – Year two

Mounting evidence shows that boreal and mountain forests are not solely driven by high severity fires that kill most of the above-ground vegetation (i.e. stand-replacing fires). Indeed, wildfire severity can be highly heterogeneous, leading to spatially complex forest landscapes, with multiple species and uneven ages. Many existing fire dynamics models do not explicitly consider the […]

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Centre for Operations Excellence Industry Projects 2019

The Centre for Operations Excellence Industry Projects 2019 consists of seven sub-projects sponsored by five different industry partners. Each sub-project represents an important challenge for its sponsor. These sub-projects include Extracting data from unstructured text of NOTAMs to assess relevance (Boeing 1), Developing a fix effectiveness engine to perform data-driven predictive maintenance (Boeing 2), Initial […]

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