Evaluation of Cycling Education Programs

Fewer children are walking or bicycling to school than ever before. Programs promoting active transport to school may increase physical activity in childrenÂ’s lives and allow opportunities for independent mobility. Programs may be funded by municipal and provincial governments, or other stakeholders, but on the whole typically lack evaluation. In this project we focus on […]

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An Evaluation of the Reliability of Forensic Case Formulation in the Risk Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV), also known as spousal assault and domestic violence, is the most common form of violence experienced by women worldwide. Fortunately, IPV risk assessment tools, training, and practices have improved immensely over the last 20 years. One of the areas that can still be improved is training those using violence risk assessments […]

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Application of advanced analytics in PEM fuel cell development and engineering

This project is a collaboration between Triptech Engineering and Software Services LTD and Laboratory for Alternative Energy Conversion (LAEC) at SFU to develop data analytics solutions for PEM fuel cell industry. The fuel cell industry is suffering from component/system failure and coping with analysis of tremendous amounts of data. Knowledge extraction from this complex data […]

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Fluoride Removal from Brine Solutions

NORAM Engineering and Constructors have a technology called salt splitting. This technology is used to produce caustic soda and sulfuric acid. However, the presence of fluoride in this technology can cause the breakdown of the coating on the titanium anode, which can cause premature anode failure. As replacing these titanium anodes can incur significant costs, […]

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Personalizing gamification strategies to improve young adult life skills training

By making life skills education more game-like, we propose to help young adults improve valuable life skills and feel empowered in their choices. There is a growing body of evidence to show that adding game elements into non-game contexts, a persuasive strategy known as gamification, is effective at improving studentsÂ’ motivation and skill learning. In […]

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Prioritizing salmonid connectivity through the removal of barriers in a highly urbanized landscape

Systematic conservation planning tools allow us to use data on species distributions, habitat quality, and cost to and identify optimal areas to invest conservation and restoration resources. These tools can be particularly helpful in highly contested biodiverse landscapes where pressures from growing populations and economic development compete with conservation objectives. The Lower Fraser River represents […]

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Part of the water, part of the land’: Developing Indigenous water legislation for Carcross/Tagish First Nation – Year two

The protection of water is a priority for Carcross/Tagish First Nation (C/TFN) and revitalizing Indigenous legal and governance systems is fundamental to advancing Indigenous approaches to water governance. While the citizens of C/TFN have governed the waters and lands within their traditional territory since time immemorial, their Tagish and Tlingit legal orders have been disrupted […]

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Phase 1 of Enhanced Measurement-Based Care Effectiveness for Depression (EMBED): A Canada-China Implementation Project (Salary Support for Postdoctoral Research Fellow) – Year two

EMBED (Enhanced Measurement-Based Care Effectiveness for Depression) is a multistage collaboration between mental health researchers and advocates based in Canada, China, USA, and Australia. Jointly funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, this 5-year program is the first major research initiative of the APEC Digital Hub […]

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Hoy Creek Shared Equity Home Ownership Project: Models, Applicability, and Administration

The Hoy Creek Shared Equity Home Ownership Project aims to provide a site-specific example of how a shared equity home ownership project can succeed in Canada. As few Canadian examples exist of scalable affordable home ownership models, more research is required to identify options for implementation and strategies for long-term administration. This research project aims […]

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Breeding Waterfowl Use of Restored Wetlands in the Cariboo Region of British Columbia

The intern will be conducting surveys of breeding waterfowl at nine wetlands previously restored by Ducks Unlimited Canada. Wetlands provide abundant ecosystem services and are threatened by modification from environmentally damaging human activities that have reduced their quantity and function. Waterfowl are highly dependent on wetlands for many stages of their lifecycle and Ducks Unlimited […]

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