PHASE II Mapping for Change – A Case Study of Enhancing Informational Exchange and Collaboration Through Geoweb Technology

‘Mapping for Change’ Phase II is a continuation of a case study of best practices in the use of Geoweb as a mechanism for enhancing informational exchange and collaboration between homelessness stakeholders including non-profits/charities serving the homeless. Building upon the web-based mapping application (isearchkelowna) developed/evaluated in Phase I, Phase II will extend the broad-based consultation […]

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Toolkit: Alternative Models for Affordable Housing

Metro Vancouver is in the midst of an affordable housing crisis. While responses to the crisis have tended to focus on our most at-risk populations, the reality is that even with a stable income, the high cost of housing is one of the primary reasons people and families of all ages are leaving the region. […]

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Development of wine smoke-taint analysis strategies to provide more accurate risk-assessments and guide in-winery and in-vineyard amelioration methods

The proposed research project will focus on understanding the in-vineyard and in-winery mechanisms responsible for the phenomenon of smoke-taint in wines—that is, the tendency of grapes exposed to forest fire smoke to produce smoke-flavoured wines in the absence of any perceptible aroma in the grapes. Of interest here is discerning exactly how the flavoured compounds […]

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Eastside Works: Information System Support and Evaluation

EMBERS Eastside Works (EW) is a new low barrier employment centre in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. EW helps people in the Downtown Eastside make connections to the world of work, earn income, and improve their livelihoods. The proposed research will work with EW to develop a database and information system that fits their needs, […]

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Upper Fraser River bull trout management evaluation

Bull trout in the upper Fraser watershed (UFW) of British Columbia are important top predators and serve as the basis of a recreational fishery. Anglers in the region have asked government to consider changing current fishing regulations for bull trout from catch-and-release to regulations that allow them to take a portion of their catch home. […]

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Context-Aware Advertising Language Modeling with Deep Learning for Internet Ads

Digital advertising is a rapidly growing industry, commonly seen on Facebook and Google. However, most people who start promoting their business with Internet Ads are not professional and experienced marketers. They need help to design and launch ads campaign, especially on writing ads copies. Meanwhile, people have started to embrace AI technologies in the industry […]

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Achieving aspirations of Canadian aboriginal communities through participatory cultural mapping and dynamic decision modelling – Year two

The Aboriginal housing situation in Canada is in crisis with a lack of culturally and environmentally appropriate housing. To address this need, this Mitacs Elevate project involves a collaboration between the Heiltsuk Nation (in Bella Bella, BC), the University of British Columbia, and FPInnovations. Through this project, a Participatory Approach towards Holistic Solutions (PATHS) framework […]

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Mapping associations between drought and simultaneous fires across space and time within the Southern Canadian Cordillera

The sequence of costly wildfires that burned at multiple locations in British Columbia and Alberta during fire seasons in 2003, 2015, 2016 and 2017 remind people that fires play an important part in forests of southwestern Canada. However, people are also increasingly recognizing the role of fire in providing ecological renewal and diversification. As a […]

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Anomaly Detection in Financial Data

In this joint collaboration with Scotiabank we hope to solve a commonly faced problem by large financial institutions. It is to detect errors in financial datasets. This could be due to typing errors made by a human or a computer glitch that causes an incorrect value to be stored. To identify these errors, we plan […]

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Assessing the role of small-scale structures in controlling auriferous fluid flow: Nadaleen trend, Yukon.

Carlin-type gold deposits (CTGDs) are large, high-grade gold deposits named after the world renowned occurrences in Nevada. Despite their economic importance, agreement on how they formed is still lacking. We are undertaking an integrated geological and geochemical study of CTGDs in the Nadaleen trend, Yukon, to better define the hydrological regime that controlled their formation. […]

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Interfaces and algorithms to interactively improve medical datasets for machine learning

Galmed is creating leading edge medical image processing technology that exploits machine learning to empower physicians and improve patient care. The success of our algorithms depends on the availability of high-quality data, which in our current study means working with chest x-ray images (CXRs) that are accurately labeled with the findings that a radiologist would […]

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