Developing statistical methods to discover genetic variants underlying longitudinal decline in lung function

COPD is a common inflammatory lung condition that is characterized by airflow limitation and symptoms of cough and shortness of breath. Globally, it affects 384 million people and is responsible for ~4-7% of all deaths. Longitudinal genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are needed to unravel the molecular determinants of dynamic quantitative traits underlying COPD, such as […]

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Understanding the effect of the oral microbiome on the performance of dental implant crown materials

We are at the era of precision medicine and dentistry; however, currently there have been no attempts for personalized dental implant design and material selection that take into account variations in individuals’ anatomy, oral microbiome, saliva properties, and mechanical requirements. The overall objective of this MITACS project is to utilize a multidisciplinary approach to explore […]

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Seismic performance assessment of smart highway bridges using life-cycle costing

Bridge infrastructure constitutes a substantial portion of the national wealth of Canada, whose performance during earthquake events has a significant impact on the public safety. How to enhance the seismic performance of bridge structures is a huge big challenge in civil engineering. And how to promote the application of advanced technique in civil engineering is […]

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The potential effects of a carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) inhibitor, SLC-0149, on AD pathogenesis

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder. SignalChem LifeSciences Corp. recently developed a potent small molecule inhibitor (SLC-0149) for targeting CAIX, a hypoxia inducible gene, in the application of treating cancers. Since hypoxia has been implicated as a factor to facilitate AD development, this study aims to explore the potentiality of applying SLC-0149 […]

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Evaluation of Phytosanitary Measure Efficacy Using Genomics

In recent years, globalization and increasing international traffic have allowed tree infecting micro-organisms and pests to colonize new forests and plantations. These invasions are a threat to global trade and the delicate ecological balance of our forests. Good examples are the Sudden Oak Death (SOD) outbreak caused by Phytophthora ramorum in California and the emerald […]

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A cloud-based ecosystem for predictive maintenance and management of shipping container

The shipping container is one of the most important assets of international shipping and global trade. Built to withstand extreme conditions, the quality of these large metallic boxes is often overestimated resulting in the international container fleet being perpetually undermaintained. As trade volumes increase terminal inspectors lave less time to conduct container quality inspections. This […]

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Swishwash Island Tidal Marsh Restoration

This project focuses on physical and biological elements of small tidally influenced marsh channels on Swishwash Island in the central arm of the Lower Fraser River Estuary. In addition to fish data; marine invertebrate, vegetation, sediment, and toporgraphic data will also be collected and analyzed. This will provide insight into the practise of monitoring tide […]

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Small-scale Continuous Purification of Nanoparticles and Therapeutic Proteins

Our group developed a new generation of chip-based small-scale devices for continuous purification of chemicals and nanoparticles, based on the interactions of analyte with multiple types of driving forces in an electro-fluid-dynamic (EFD) system. One series of the purification devices has the electric field in parallel with the fluid flow direction (E?F), while the other […]

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Advanced Composite Membranes for Water Vapour Separations

Membrane based energy recovery ventilation (ERV) is now a key component of most energy efficient modern buildings. The ERV market is estimated to grow to $3.8B by 2022. ERVs improve the indoor air quality of buildings through ventilation and reduce the energy cost of ventilation by using building exhaust air to pre-condition fresh building supply […]

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Development of a novel Saccharomyces yeast RNAi production and delivery platform

Heavy pesticide and antibiotic use are prevalent in modern agriculture and is an essential requirement to feed the ever-increasing human population. Their increased use, however, has also resulted in a loss of ecological biodiversity, environmental contamination, emerging pesticide/antibiotic resistance and is an economic burden to farmers, especially in low income nations. The research proposed aims […]

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Assessing traumatic brain injury knowledge and awareness at community organizations serving women who have experienced intimate partner violence

It is clear that TBI affects a large proportion of survivors of IPV, yet the supports and services provided to this population typically do not take TBI into account. Gaining a better understanding of the barriers and facilitators to TBI knowledge and awareness for staff working in this sector and using this knowledge to inform […]

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