Integrated Microlens Technology for Light Steering Projectors

MTT Innovation Inc. is a Canadian company that is based out of Vancouver, British Columbia. MTT develops technologies for next-generation projectors in home entertainment systems and theatres. The developed projectors are engineered to provide especially high quality images, with enhanced brightness and dynamic range, and an emerging product of MTT that targets these goals is […]

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Connecting prey and specialized predator population dynamics: a hundred-and fifty year record of salmon and killer whale interactions

Pacific northwestern southern resident killer whale population only encompasses 74 individuals and is considered endangered. Chinook salmon, the main food source of resident killer whales, is today disappearing from the North American western coast. Yet, it remains unclear to which extent food deprivation is affecting recovery of resident killer populations. The main aim of this […]

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Salt marsh carbon storage and accumulation rate in Boundary Bay, Delta, British Columbia

Salt marshes are intertidal ecosystems found on sheltered temperate marine coastlines which are known to provide a range of ecosystem services. These services include storm surge and flood protection, and carbon storage, which have been identified as valuable services to help coastal communities prepare for and fight against climate change. Salt marshes are good sinks […]

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Stories without borders: A Canadian/Mexican study of translation practices and Indigenous language literacy

Stories Without Borders is a collaborative educational project between a Canadian and a Mexican research team, with the support of the Canadian NGO Education without Borders (EwB). The research problem addressed is: How can childrens stories written in English and other Indigenous languages for Indigenous children in Canada best be translated into Indigenous Mexican languages […]

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Validation of the uHoo multi-channel low-cost air quality sensor

People world-wide spends about 87% of their time indoor. Furthermore, indoor pollutants can generate health risks; the smallest the pollutants diameter is and the higher the chance of an impact to the human health. Thus, it is critical to assess the amount and the dimension of particulates present in indoor environments, such as homes, offices, […]

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Improving Situation Awareness for a Collaborative Service Robot in Care Environment

Development of Collaborative Service Robot (CSR) technologies usually targets a certain population group like seniors or people with developmental disabilities (DD) and requires tailored and dedicated research and development. This project is ultimately seeking to provide a proof of concept of a CSR platform that can assist people with DD. The overall project involves research […]

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A novel, bioactive compound, found in the leaves and bark of a tree species abundant on the west coast of British Columbia, as a candidate natural pesticide

In nature, plants have evolved sophisticated defense mechanisms against insects, fungi, and other pests. When isolated, many of these chemicals have tremendous potential as natural pesticides, as they pose little threat to the environment, are non-toxic to the user, and are readily biodegradable. Recent research has determined a correlation between a novel compound found at […]

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Accelerate Transaction Latency of Pool Mining in Cryptocurrency Networks

In this project, using such mainstream cryptocurrencies as BitCoin and Ethereum as representatives, the intern will analyze the transaction collection strategies of their mining pools, and then collect transactions and the corresponding blocks data to build a large dataset, from which the computing power of different mining pools and their proportions will be analyzed, together […]

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Learning PDF Document Structures using Recursive Neural Networks

Portable Document Format or PDF is the de facto standard for presenting textual-visual content. In this project, we aim to develop a machine learning framework for PDF document understanding. Despite the recent proliferation of deep learning-based methods for the analysis and processing of natural images, there have been considerably less efforts on designing similar approaches […]

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Numerical modeling and evaluation of mixing behavior and grinding efficiency in FLSmidth VXP vertical stirred mill

Stirred mill grinding is a complex and energy-intensive process that involves multiple phases. Multi-scale phenomena that drive hydrodynamic and particle breakage processes in the stirred mill are still not fully understood, due to a number of operating and design parameters that affect mill performance, including disk and barrel geometry, agitation rate, grinding media size and […]

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