Optimizing Return to Sport and Return to Performance After Knee Injuries in Winter Slope Sports: Evidence Based Timelines for Return to Sport and Return to Performance

This project aims to increase the scientific knowledge base on recovery and rehabilitation after knee injury. Noninjured winter slope sport athletes will undergo a battery of baseline testing including quadriceps and hamstrings maximum strength and rapid force producing abilities, lower body power endurance, workload capacity and fatigue tolerance at the start and end of the […]

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CCREST: Cold Cracking by Resonance Energy for Sustainable Technologies – Year two

The project is a demonstration of Advanced Energy Technologies (AET)’s patented refining process for upgrading heavy oil products without diluent or extreme heat treatments. This produces lighter, higher value oil that is easier to work with throughout the process stream, with greater efficiency and less cost. AET will be conducting demonstration runs of the Hydrogen […]

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Development of experimental test facilities and rigorous testing protocols to characterize non-linear pitot probe measurements in the vicinity of a deformable bluff body to be used at AeroLab Technology

Prediction of fluid dynamic phenomena is an area of research all on its own. A complete solution to the non-linear Navier-Stokes equations that governed fluid flow has yet to be found using modern mathematics. It is for this reason in order to characterize and test new aerodynamic sensors a test facility must exists where various […]

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Production of animal feed using Methylophilus methylotrophus

This project aims to identify an efficient fermentation strategy that will enable Cvictus to generate a protein-rich animal feed using methanol as the nutrient source. The key advantage of the production platform proposed by Cvictus is the use of a proprietary technology that can convert coal to methanol with ultra-low CO2 emissions. Initial research in […]

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Decolonization, engagement and multi-sectoral collaboration from an urban Indigenous perspective.

The research project will look at how EndPoverty Edmonton has engaged with the diverse Indigenous population that lives in Edmonton on their interests and perspectives on eliminating poverty. Indigenous peoples and communities continue to experience social and economic inequality as compared to other Canadians. Their social and economic inequality can be linked to the impacts […]

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Dynamic Credit Scoring

Banks use a myriad of methodologies to inform their officers on credit extension decisions. One of the most employed approach is to summarize borrower creditworthiness by credit scores, which in turn depend on loan default probabilities. The probability of default depends both on borrower characteristic and on the overall state of the economy. The goal […]

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Forecasting Ability of Non-consumer Scorecards and their Ability to Predict Probability of Default

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for loss allowances are changing, and financial institutions are proactively adapting existing methodologies and developing new ones to remain compliant. The main ingredient in the myriad of evaluations that banks are required to perform for compliance is risk assessment. The first goal of this research project is to review best […]

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Performative Construction: Configuring a Computer-controlled Robotic Manufacturing Setting for Composite Wood Buildings

This research project will explore and devise a digital simulation platform for architects with which custom-designed buildings can be manufactured by robotics from composite wood paneling systems. In a practice-based approach, the intern will develop a simulation tool for a unique manufacturing setting by linking and modifying computer software. The digital platform supports architects in […]

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Wearable Technologies for Inferring and Enhancing Vestibular Balance Function

The vestibular organs detect head movement and are involved in the coordination of standing balance. With balance problems being a common and expensive healthcare cost internationally, there is a growing need for new diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices that target vestibular balance function. In particular, a wearable device that could be used outside the clinic […]

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