Fast and robust real-time precise point positioning

Current real-time precise point positioning (PPP) systems still suffer significant challenges. One is its long position convergence time necessary before precise position solutions become obtainable. Another is its sensitivity to the loss/latency of high-frequency precise orbit and clock corrections, resulting in degraded performance. Those challenges have limited PPP’s adoption in many applications. This project aims […]

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Design and Application of a High Pressure Microwave Drop-In Biofuel Reactor System

The conversion of low value lipids, including tall oil, brown grease, and yellow grease, to hydrocarbons without the use of hydrogen or catalyst has been patented and scaled up by our group (Forge Hydrocarbons). This project seeks to develop an improvement to the existing process by incorporating microwave heating to the reactor configuration. The process […]

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Risk Alive Analytics

The primary functions of the Risk Alive Analytics tool are to predict risk and time to unsafe days and predict the occurrence of hazardous events (incidents with the potential to cause injury to personnel, damage to the environment, or financial loss) at given processing facility(s) and in addition develop a Risk Profile of a facility […]

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Evaluation and Identification of Gaps and Technical Challenges in Candidate Carbon Capture/CO2 Conversion Technologies

In the wake of the Paris meeting on global climate change in December of 2015 (COP21), commitments to drive down greenhouse gas emissions have escalated around the world. Man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are accepted as the largest contributor to climate change. Promising next-generation technologies for decreasing CO2 emissions are being investigated at the lab […]

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Interaction-Indexed Search for Classroom Electronic Whiteboards

Recent technological advancements have led to widespread usage of interactive and collaborative systems in educational settings. In particular, SMART Technologies’ interactive products are being widely used at schools and universities across the country. Although this is a valuable achievement, it also presents new challenges to evolve these systems to new user needs. For example, one […]

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Best Practice Models for Compliance to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the Alberta Business Environment

The way banks account for potential losses are changing, and financial institutions are proactively adapting existing methodologies and developing new methodologies to remain compliant with regulation. The key ingredient of the myriad of evaluations of bank’s activities that are required for compliance is risk assessments. The purpose of this research project is to review the […]

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Assessing soil parameters using reflectance spectroscopy

The goal of the research undertaken as part of this project is to develop a system to measure soil properties in the field based on near infrared light reflectance. Using machine learning, the complex near infrared data can be turned into valuable soil analytical data. By supporting this research, Route 7 Inc. will obtain an […]

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Scaling up regional food systems in AB

This project aims to advance local/regional food systems in Alberta, as part of a 5-year SSHRC Partnership titled Food: Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged (FLEdGE). Local food systems generate opportunities to capture economic value (e.g., income and employment) within local communities, and can also result in indirect economic, social and environmental benefits. However, current resources within […]

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Development of design methodology for customizable add-on products

The RazerLift is a new product designed to provide superior access to vehicle roof-mounted cargo. RazerLift introduces the accessible roof carrier concept. This project is intended to conduct research on safety requirements for product development work to be done on the partner’s RazerLift product. The partner is interested in getting a reliable and safe product […]

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Enhancing performance in Canadian athletes: A novel and integrated approach to neurofeedback and heart rate variability biofeedback training in the daily training environment

Two essential factors of sport performance at the elite level of sport are the ability to focus on the correct aspects at the correct time while ignoring irrelevant distractions and effectively managing anxiety in the very stressful environment of a World Championship or an Olympic Games. The purpose of the proposed research is threefold: (a) […]

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Statistical analysis and interpretation of metabolite profiling results

Data analysis and interpretation is a critical step in metabolomics. In metabolomics studies, large amounts of data must be evaluated by appropriate analytical tools in order to transform data into knowledge. Chenomx Inc. is a company that provides metabolomics research software and services. Its flagship software product Chenomx NMR Suite is an integrated set of […]

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