Photoredox Fluorination: Selectively Synthesize 2-fluoro-2-methyl-2-deoxyarabinolactone Derivatives via a Radical Pathway

Nature’s ability to convert solar energy to chemical energy in photosynthesis has inspired the development of a host of photoredox systems in efforts to mimic this process. The capacity of fluorine atoms to engender a variety of useful properties in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and performance materials has driven significant research efforts toward the invention of novel […]

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Cross-cultural perspectives and experiences of food addiction

Researchers have recently proposed the concept of food addiction, postulating that certain foods can provoke addictive symptoms, similar to drugs of abuse. Current understanding of food addiction is, however, limited by a paucity of qualitative research examining the validity of this construct, and of cross-cultural research examining how food addiction is experienced in non-Western societies. […]

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Ecology of sitatunga in Uganda

Trophy hunting, while a controversial issue in the developed world, is an important management strategy by wildlife management agencies across the equator. Due to negative public opinions, trophy hunting outfitters are under increased scrutiny to demonstrate that hunting has no detrimental effects on animal populations. To this end, we are embarking upon research into the […]

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Optimized Approach for Minimizing Oil and Gas Asset Remediation and Reclamation Liability Cost

This proposed research and development project is intended to create an Integrated Approach to Recovery of Mature Oil and Gas Asset Production and to achieve Strategic Lifecycle Liability Discharges in the oil & gas industries. Tansley Associates Environmental Sciences (TAES) and Athabasca University (AU) each have excellent talent pools and facilities with specific strengths in […]

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Using GIS Mapping to Understand the Burden of Trauma in East Africa

The World Health Organization estimates trauma causes 5 million deaths each year, 90% of those deaths occurring in low-to-middle income countries. While improved outcomes have been noted when resources are focused on improving staff training, infrastructure, supplies availability, and process organization, the burden of injury in Kenya is not fully known and significant injury and […]

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Application of spent hen adhesive for engineered wood products

In the egg industry, as the hens are at the end of their productive lives they are of little economic value to the farmers and seen as a by-product or a waste which require disposal. Disposal of spent hens is a long-existing liability to the egg industry for paying associated cost of handling, transportation and […]

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Aiding Leak Detection in Pipelines Using System Identification – Year two

The ultimate goal of this project is to detect and localize leaks in pipelines in real time. Hifi Engineering has developed distributed fiber optic sensors. Measurements are obtained at evenly spaced intervals along the pipeline (called channels). This project aims to develop data processing tools to improve leak detection and localization. Many events occur along […]

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Chemical Synthesis of Graphene-Based Nanomaterials from Value-Added Carbon Obtained by Catalytic Conversion of CO2

CO2 is a greenhouse gas that impacts climate change. The Carbon Upcycling Technologies has developed a technique to attach gaseous CO2 molecules to graphite. In this project, this graphite will be converted to graphene using chemical oxidation methods. The one-atom thin monolayer graphene oxide will have potential applications in variety of industries, such as waste […]

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Performance evaluation of a Novel “Displacement Buffering System” for Buried Pipelines

ALFA Upgrades recently developed a system for buried pipelines, referred to as “Displacement Buffering System (DBS)”, to redistribute the stress and strain concentrations in a pipe and limit the allowable lateral displacement of the pipe in the incidence of large ground movement. The scope of this project includes performing experimental tests and consequently developing equations […]

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Development of a Self-Regulatory App for Adults with Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune dysfunction that requires strict adherence to a gluten-free (GF) diet in order to prevent detrimental health outcomes. Following a strict GF diet is difficult given that gluten is added as a preservative or binding agent to many foods. Findings from a review suggest strict adherence to a gluten-free diet is […]

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